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APC Caretaker Committee Plots Tenure Extension




There are great prospects that the Caretaker/Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee (CECPC) of the All Progressives Congress (APC) may have concluded arrangements to stay in office beyond the June this year.

Recall that the Committee which was set up last year after the removal of former National Chairman, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole was initially given the mandate of running the party and conducting the National Convention by December 2020.

But before then, the committee headed by the governor of Yobe State, Mai Mala Buni had sought and got a tenure extension which indicated that the Convention would hold by June this year.

But the body language of the Committee suggests that it wants to remain in office much longer.

They started by organizing the ongoing registration and revalidation exercise which has also been criticized by some party stalwarts.

Sources very close to the National Secretariat of the party informed DAILY ASSET that “all the indices on ground suggest that they will stay beyond 2021.”

According to our source who is also eying the APC governorship ticket of his state in 2023, given the line of activities, it will be difficult for the Committee to conclude and organize the National Convention.

He said; “By the new time table with the Caretaker Committee, the ongoing membership Registration/Revalidation exercise would extend till the end of April, after that the registration, the ward and local government Congresses would be held in May and June, also the state congresses have been slated for July/August.”

The party stakeholder equally noted that the recently constituted Constitution Review Committee set up by the Caretaker Committee is another indicator that National Convention will never hold in June or any time before December.

Energy and Power

Oil, Electricity Workers’ Unions Mobilise for Planned Strike



The Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) has directed its members to comply with the directive of the two labour centres to begin an indefinite nationwide strike on Monday.

Its General Secretary, Mr Afolabi Olawale, in a statement on Saturday, said the union was committed to ensuring total compliance with the directive.

Recall that the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) declared an indefinite nationwide strike to begin on Monday, to express their grievances over the proposed new minimum wage.


In a joint statement signed by NLC President, Mr Joe Ajaero and TUC President, Mr Festus Osifo, the centres declared the strike over the tripartite committee’s inability to agree on a new minimum wage and the hike in electricity tariff.

Afolabi said the union was concerned and disturbed with the insensitive attitude of the federal government “to the very critical issue of negotiating a new minimum wage for Nigerian workers”.

“This is in view of the various socio- economic policies of this administration that have impoverished the working people of this country.

“Leaders of our great union at all levels, from the units, zones and branches, should immediately put all processes in place to ensure total compliance with this directive.”

Also, the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) said it was mobilising its members to embark on the strike following the directive of NLC and TUC.

The Acting. General Secretary, Mr Dominic Igwebike, gave the directive to the members in a statement.

Igwebike said that along with the reasons of inconclusive negotiations on the minimum wage and electricity tariff hike, apartheid categorisation of Nigeria electricity consumers into bands was another, to embark on the strike.

“Given the above, all national, state, and chapter executives are requested to start the mobilisation of our members in total compliance with this directive to ensure the government does the right thing as stated above.

“The withdrawal of services becomes effective on Sunday 2nd June by 12.00 midnight, “ the union leader said. (NAN)

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LG Autonomy: S-Court Gives Governors Seven Days to Respond to FG’s Suit




By David Torough, Abuja

The Supreme Court yesterday, ordered the Governors of the 36 States of the Federation, to within seven days, enter their defence to the suit the Federal Government filed to secure full autonomy for the 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs).

The order followed an application that FG, through the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Prince Lateef Fagbemi, SAN, for accelerated hearing of the matter and for the abridgment of the time allowed for all state governors to file their response to the suit.

In its ruling, a seven-man panel of the apex court led by Justice Garba Lawal, said the AGF should upon receipt of the processes containing defence of the governors, respond to it within two days.

The panel fixed June 13 to commence full-blown hearing of the matter.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the body of Attorneys General of the States, Mr. Ben Odoh, who is the Attorney General of Ebonyi State, was present during the proceeding.

Mr. Odoh told the apex court that he was not opposed to the request for the abridgment of the hearing date.

However, he requested for the respondents to be allowed to file their defence to the matter, within 15 days.

While declining to extend the time for the respondents, Justice Lawal said the decision of the apex court was hinged on the fact that the matter is of utmost national importance as well as the urgency of the case.

The court directed that filing of all processes and exchanging of same must be completed before the next adjourned date.

Those that had no legal representation even though they were served with the hearing notice were the Attorneys General of Borno, Kano, Kogi, Niger, Ogun, Osun, Oyo and Sokoto states.

The Justice Lawal-led panel orders that they should be served with a fresh hearing notice to enable them to attend the next sitting.

FG had in the suit marked SC/CV/343/2024, prayed the Supreme Court to okay full autonomy for all the LGAs in the country as the third tier of government.

It prayed the court to issue an order, prohibiting state governors from embarking on unilateral, arbitrary and unlawful dissolution of democratically elected local government leaders.

As well as for an order permitting the funds standing in the credits of local governments to be directly channeled to them from the Federation Account in line with the provisions of the Constitution as against the alleged unlawful joint accounts created by governors.

Besides, FG, prayed the Supreme Court for an order, stopping governors from further constituting Caretaker Committees to run the affairs of local governments as against the Constitutionally recognized and guaranteed democratic system.

It equally applied for an order of injunction, restraining the governors, their agents and privies, from receiving, spending or tampering with funds released from the Federation Account for the benefits of local governments when no democratically elected local government system is put in place in the states.Governors of the 36 States were sued through their respective Attorneys General.

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Kano Emirship Tussle: Ribadu, Yusuf Meet in Abuja




Kano State Governor Abba Yusuf on Thursday met with National Security Adviser Mallam Nuhu Ribadu in Abuja where they discussed issues concerning the Kano Emirship  tussle.

This was contained in a statement issued by Yusuf’s Director-General, Media and Publicity, Malam Sunusi Tofa, in Kano.

Tofa said the meeting was prompted by recent events in Kano following the dissolution of five emirates and the restoration of Emir Muhammad Sanusi II.

Tofa said that the two leaders deliberated on various matters relating to state and national development as well as peaceful coexistence in the state.

Emir Ado Bayero is in court challenging the reinstatement of Emir Muhammad Sanusi  II by the Kano State government.

While Sanusi is operating from the Emir’s Palace, Bayero is holding forth at the Emir’s Guest House.

Tofa quoted Yusuf as describing the meeting as fruitful and emphasised the critical role of NSA in ensuring peace in the country.

“I briefed him on the recent developments in Kano, and we discussed ways to promote national security and development,” he Tofa quoted Yusuf as saying.

The meeting comes after the NSA was accused of meddling in the Kano crisis, which he swiftly denied.

The Kano State Deputy Governor, Alhaji Aminu Gwarzo, had apologised to the NSA for the allegation, attributing it to flawed intelligence.

The meeting coincided with Sanusi’s sixth day at the Kano palace, where a significant majority of district heads and kingmakers have pledged their allegiance to him.

The state government has assured that Kano remains peaceful and tranquil, urging residents to continue their regular activities in compliance with the laws of the land.

Sanusi Makes First Appointment amid Emirship Tussle

In as much as the controversy trailing Kano Emirate tussle continues, the 16th Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II had on Thursday made his first appointment.

This was coming barely a week after he was reinstalled as the Emir.

Sanusi, the former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, approved the appointment of a new Ward Head of Kofar Mazugal, Hamisu Sani in Dala Local Government area of the state.

The Emir called on the new ward Head to ensure peaceful coexistence among the subjects of the area and contribute his quota towards the development of the state as a whole.Earlier, district heads and personalities such as delegations from religious and market bodies paid homage to Emir Sanusi at the palace.

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