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AFENET Canvasses Training for African field Epidemiologists




The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) says field epidemiologists work on fostering the concept of ‘One Health’ , a multisectoral collaborative effort that ensures optimal human, animal, and environmental health in Africa.

Dr Simon Antara, Director AFENET, said this on Monday, in Abuja, at a news conference to commemorate the first World Field Epidemiology Day, celebrated on Sept.


Field epidemiology is a branch of public health that focuses on identifying diseases and other health events and their risk factors with a view to ensuring that these diseases are prevented or controlled in a timely and effective manner using evidence-based approaches in a practical community level engagement.

The World Field Epidemiology Day is a global movement to recognize and raise awareness of the vital role of field epidemiologists in protecting the health of populations and advancing global health security, as well as to advocate for increased investment in field epidemiology training, research, and professionals.

Antara said that in the sub-Saharan Africa, field epidemiologists engaged in fighting outbreaks and health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthen disease surveillance and response for early detection and effective response, while generating evidence for policy and decision making.

“We recognize and raise awareness of the vital role of field epidemiologists in protecting the health of populations and advancing sub-national, national, and global health security in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,

“Field epidemiologists investigated clusters of outbreaks, identified most at-risk populations, traced contacts of infected persons, isolated the infected and quarantined the exposed.

“They play a key role in communicating health messages and rallying the communities to ensure that the response to COVID-19 is effective, thereby limiting disease transmission and averting millions of deaths, illness and worse societal, economic and livelihood impacts.

“These are individuals that we should celebrate! This period has brought unprecedented visibility to the work of field epidemiologists as the world fights COVID-19.

”But this visibility has not always resulted in understanding the importance of field epidemiology, nor in the increased support needed to strengthen public health systems around the globe to better detect and respond to outbreaks,” he said.

He said field epidemiologists were the world’s “disease detectives” responsible for investigating public health signals to confirm outbreaks and identify cases, contacts, and risk factors for diseases.

“Around the world, their work advances evidence that strengthens public health policies and interventions.

“The community-level knowledge and experiences they acquire through their work enables them to provide decision makers with information to generate strategies for effective health interventions.

“Many field epidemiologists have multidisciplinary expertise that allows them to respond to a wide range of health issues,” he added.

The director disclosed that AFENET would be joining  TEPHINET, United States Centre for Disease Control (USCDC), other regional networks of field epidemiology training programs across the globe, and many other stakeholders to celebrate the day.

“in the past 15 years, AFENET has worked with governments and other stakeholders, such as the US CDC, to train over 2,000 field epidemiologists in sub-Saharan Africa

”Whereas this progress is commendable, it only translates to 36 percent of the required 5, 500 epidemiologists needed in the region.

“There are still many countries in sub-Saharan Africa that do not have access to opportunities to develop field epidemiology capacity to strengthen their health systems. What that means is that such countries lack a critical element in their public health emergency response.

“When such countries are faced with public health emergencies, they are unable to mount a formidable response to mitigate the health, economic and social consequences of these events,” he stressed.

He noted that a weak response portends danger for spread within countries and across borders, noting that this was not good for national, continental and global health security.

Antara said to ensure that all countries in sub-Sahara Africa have access to opportunities for field epidemiology capacity development and ensuring maximum utilisation of trained field epidemiologists remained a top priority for AFENET.

“We in AFENET want to salute the field epidemiologists in Africa and across the globe. We are safer and healthier because of your efforts.

”Together, we have worked to protect our people against dangerous pathogens such as Ebola, Marburg, yellow fever, measles, TB, cholera and other infectious diseases.

“We have worked on other public health emergencies such as flooding, cyclones and other natural disasters. We have worked on nutritional issues, lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, as well as on mental health issues.

“Like Dr John Snow, the father of field epidemiology we have provided the necessary and critical evidence for public health action.

”On September 7, 1854, John Snow took his findings from his now-famous investigation of the Broad Street cholera outbreak to local officials, leading them to act and to remove the handle of the offending water pump.

“Tomorrow, Sept. 7, we will celebrate World Field Epidemiology Day to recognize and raise awareness of the vital role of field epidemiologists in protecting the health of populations and in advancing global health security.

”We call for increased investment in field epidemiology training, research, and professionals,” he said.

 He called on all African Governments to include field epidemiology capacity development as part of their workforce strengthening efforts. “Again, we call on governments to fund, expand and sustain existing field epidemiology training programs.

”We are also calling on non- governmental organizations, the private sector, philanthropist and all stakeholders to renew their commitment to public health security, by investing adequately in the development of field epidemiology capacity across all countries in Africa,” he said. (NAN)

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Mpox Alert: UNICEF Issues $59m Appeal to Halt Outbreak in Africa




UNICEF has issued an urgent appeal for nearly $59 million to support efforts to halt the rapid spread of mpox in six African countries including Burundi, where youngsters have been impacted the most.UNICEF Regional Health Advisor for Eastern and Southern Africa,Dr Paul Ngwakum diclosed this to journalists in Geneva on Friday.

“Children in Burundi are bearing the brunt of the mpox outbreak with alarming rates of infection and health impacts.
“Of the nearly 600 reported cases, two-thirds are children under 19 years old and the situation is escalating really rapidly with more than [a] 40 per cent increase in cases over the last three weeks,” he saidTo date in Burundi there have been more than 14,000 suspected cases but no reported deaths from mpox.
Neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo, however, has seen nearly 21,900 suspected cases and 717 deaths. The UNICEF official insisted that with funding and prompt action in Burundi, “we have an opportunity to end this outbreak in a very short time period because the geographical area is kind of limited and with concerted effort from all partners.”I think, we can limit the spread; we can contain the virus so we can stop the outbreak without any loss of life.” Following the start of the school year earlier this week in Burundi, the UN agency remains concerned about the rise of mpox among children under five years of age, who represent 30 per cent of reported cases – as in DRC.To help teachers and parents understand the risks and minimisze disruption, the UN agency has supported the education authorities to implement health measures in schools.This is train staff to recognise early symptoms of mpox and reinforce hand hygiene. “Make no mistake, we don’t have all the answers. No one does. This is a rapidly evolving situation, with a new, infectious strain.”We are learning more every day about different modes of transmission.”And with more information, we update our messaging and our response,” Ngwakum said.The UNICEF appeal will also provide mental health support for parents and front-line workers who may face hostility from some communities in part.This is because of the association of mpox with sex, which is responsible for some transmission – but by no means all of it.He said, “Sex in Africa is not something that is spoken of on a daily basis. And if they think you are having a sexually transmitted disease, it stigmatizes you as well.“We try to explain that this is not the case. Most children have it from body-to-body contact or contact with animals or contact with infected materials, which is not having anything to do with human-to-human sexual contamination.”Communities also remain fearful of a repeat of previous serious health outbreaks such as Ebola or COVID-19, “so there is an important role we are playing to dispel myths, and calm fears”, the UNICEF official explained.Highlighting the stark contrast between the high number of suspected deaths from mpox in DRC and Burundi, Dr Margaret Harris from the UN World Health Organization (WHO) explained that this was likely owing to the longstanding humanitarian emergency in eastern DRC.“Many of the children whom we’ve seen horribly, sadly die in the Democratic Republic of Congo were very immuno-suppressed.”This was through being severely malnourished and having suffered the effects of conflict and perhaps also having other diseases at the same time,’’ she said (NAN)

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All African Countries Capable of Diagnosing Mpox – WHO




As Mpox continues to devastate countries, especially in Africa, the WHO Africa Region says African countries are capable of diagnosing Mpox, thereby making for early detection.

Dr Abdou Gueye, Regional Emergency Director, World Health Organisation Africa Region (WHO AFRO), made the assertion in a virtual interview in Lagos.

Providing updates on WHO’s field efforts since the declaration of the mpox outbreak, Gueye said that WHO had been working effectively and collaborating with all entities to stem the public health emergency.

The Africa CDC declared Mpox a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security on Aug. 13.

On its heels, on Aug. 14, the WHO Director-General declared the resurgence of mpox to be a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), requiring a coordinated international response.

This was necessitated by the advice given by the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR or Regulations) Emergency Committee regarding the upsurge of mpox 2024, during its first meeting held on Aug. 14.

It had noted that the ongoing upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a growing number of countries in Africa, constituted a PHEIC under the provisions of the International Health Regulations.

Also, given the detection and rapid spread of a new clade of mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, its detection in neighbouring countries that had not previously reported mpox, and the potential for further spread within Africa and beyond.

Gueye emphasised the importance of early detection, robust health systems, and community engagement.

He said that some of WHO’s efforts included supporting diagnostic capabilities, treatment guidelines, and community engagement across African countries.

“All the African countries are capable of diagnosing mpox. Thanks to our work and collaboration with all the entities.

“We checked with all our countries. 45 countries out of the 47 were able to do the diagnostic and the genomic sequencing, and we were able to support the two additional countries.

“We also worked with the countries to develop guidelines on the treatment and the care about mpox, and also, we provided some reagents.

“ The treatment of mpox is very rare, but as soon as it is possible, we try to make it available to the African country

“In the framework of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern, we have raised the advocacy for all partners that are capable of donating or contributing to supporting countries, and are put in touch with countries that need it,’’ he added.

According to Gueye, WHO is also working to make sure that all manufacturers that can produce vaccine, diagnostic and therapeutic are being put in touch with those who can fund it.

This will enable enough production for Africa, particularly also for low and middle-income countries.

He said close collaboration was also ongoing with researchers, all to stop Mpox.

“We are working in close collaboration with researchers to make sure that all the vaccines, therapeutic and diagnostic that are in the pipeline will be accelerated.

“This is in order to diversify the possibility and the tools to fight against the disease,” he said

Giving an insight into the current outbreak, he explains Mpox to be a viral disease, previously known as monkeypox.

According to him, it traditionally existed in West and Central Africa, with two viruses that are slightly different.

“The one in West Africa was called the clade two, and the one in Central Africa was called the clade one in 2022.

“An outbreak occurred, and the virus went beyond the traditional border and went through to some countries where it was never seen before.

“It affected some particular communities, mainly men who have sex with men.

“And the outbreak was addressed by the international community, but also by the affected community, and it was controlled.

“What happened in 2024 is there is a new outbreak with a new strain that is different to the one that existed before, that usually was seen in DR Congo, but has a little mutation.

“That made it more contagious, but also more serious, because the mortality rate increased.’’

He said that the outbreak was localised initially in North Kivu and South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, spreading in Congo first but also in neighbouring countries, including Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya.

According to him, when the outbreak reached that level, the WHO D-G called for an emergency committee to advise him, and the emergency committee advised to raise the highest alert possible in public health.

“We say the public health emergency of international concern, which means to make sure that the international community will be mobilised.

“Also, the mobilisation will be coordinated in order to stop the outbreak before it becomes more difficult to control.’’

Report says that the multi-country outbreak of Mpox has led to 116 countries and territories in all WHO regions reporting 99,176 confirmed cases and 208 deaths between May 2022 and June 2024.

The latest global mpox rapid risk assessment at the beginning of August 2024, showed that mpox risk in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighbouring countries is high.

In Nigeria and other countries of West, Central and East Africa where mpox is endemic, it is moderate.

However, individual-level risk is largely dependent on individual factors such as exposure risk and immune status, regardless of geographic area, epidemiological context, biological sex, gender identity or sexual orientation. (NAN)

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Kaduna pensioners to benefit from health insurance scheme




The Kaduna State Contributory Health Management Authority (KADCHMA) and the state chapter of the Nigerian Union of Pensioners (NUP), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on health insurance for its pensioners.

Speaking at the signing of the MoU on Monday in Kaduna, the Director-General (DG) of KADCHMA, Abubakar Hassan, said the benefits of the scheme for the pensioners were immense.

He explained that with the health insurance, pensioners would have access to health care services from any public or private health facility across the state without having to spend from their pockets.

With this, Hassan said, pensioners could receive the care they needed without worrying about the financial burden that often comes with accessing healthcare

He disclosed that the annual premium for the health insurance scheme was N10,600, thereby making it affordable for the pensioners.

“This will facilitate access to quality healthcare to our pensioners, in line with the promises of governor Uba Sani’s administration to provide access to quality care through a state contributory health insurance scheme.

“As the State Health Insurance Manager, our objectives are clear. We aim to enroll more residents into the scheme to make healthcare more affordable and secure a
sustainable funding basis for our health facilities.

“We also seek to extend health insurance cover to poor and vulnerable citizens through the basic health care
provision fund, as well as enroll persons employed in the informal sector into the contributory health insurance scheme.

“Our ultimate goal is to build consensus
across the state for adopting contributory health insurance as the most affordable way to access healthcare in public facilities,”Hassan said.

He thanked the State’s Pension Bureau and the state chapter of NUP for embracing the scheme.

He urged other organisations, associations and bodies to follow suit and enroll their members in the social insurance scheme.

Also, the Chairman of NUP, Kaduna Chapter, Mr Aboman Ladan, said the MoU signing marked a significant milestone in their efforts towards ensuring that their members have access to quality healthcare without financial burdens.

“We believe that our pensioners deserve the best, and this scheme will go a long way in improving their overall well-being,”he said.

Ladan commended KADCHMA for their commitment to making healthcare affordable and accessible to all, while urging their members to take advantage of the scheme and enroll in the health insurance program.

Doing so, he said, the pensioners would live healthy and fulfilling lives, free from the worry of medical expenses.

Also, the National representative of the NUP, Ahmed Garzali, described pensioners as the most vulnerable, who were affected most by fuel subsidy removal.

He said the health insurance for their members in the state is a step toward addressing their out-of-pocket spending on health, while calling for sincerity of purpose and full implementation of the MoU.

Earlier, the state’s Commissioner for Health, Hajiya Umma Ahmed, said the collaboration between KADCHMA and the NUP marked a monumental step in the state government’s collective efforts towards ensuring the health and well-being of its pensioners.

Ahmed added that Sani’s leadership was instrumental in advancing healthcare initiatives that prioritise the well-being of every citizen, particularly senior citizens who have served the state with distinction.

She also said that Kaduna State Government recognised that the health of every citizen was a priority, which extended especially to its pensioners who have dedicated their lives to serving the state and nation.

By enrolling pensioners into the State Contributory Health Scheme, the commissioner said, they were taking proactive steps to safeguard the pensioners health and enhance their quality of life in retirement.

According to her, the contributory health scheme plays a critical role in reducing the financial burden of medical expenses, particularly for those in their later years who are often more vulnerable to health challenges.

“The Kaduna State Health Insurance Scheme is designed to provide comprehensive and affordable healthcare coverage, ensuring that no one, regardless of age or economic status, is left behind.

“The partnership between KADCHMA and the NUP is a strategic initiative that aligns with our vision of universal health coverage for all residents of Kaduna State.

“This MoU is more than just a document; it is a covenant that reaffirms our shared commitment to upholding the dignity and well-being of our pensioners.

”It symbolises our dedication to creating a health system that is inclusive, equitable, and responsive to the needs of every citizen,” she said.

She assured the pensioners that the government would implement the agreement effectively, while ensuring that the enrollment process is seamless, transparent, and accessible to all eligible pensioners.

“By doing so, we will not only fulfill our promise of providing quality healthcare but also demonstrate our commitment to the values of empathy, respect, and service,”Ahmed said.(NAN)

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