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AMLSN Petitions Tinubu over High Rate of Quackery in Health Sector in Nigeria




From Godwin Okeh, Abakaliki

The Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN) has expressed great worry over the alleged spate of quackery in the professional, describing it as a major trouble in the nation ‘s health system.

The association inferred that the menace was a disaster waiting to happen in the health sector.

The National President of the Association, Casmir Ifeanyi stated this during the union’s 208th National Executive Council Meeting held in Abakaliki, the Ebonyi State capital.

He called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to immediately make a proclamation for the constitution of governing boards of regulatory agencies in the health sector, especially that of Nigeria Laboratory Council of Nigeria to curb the menace of quackery in the system.

According to him: “The only way to sten the tide of quackery is to be carrying the people; the victims, the likely victims along.

“It is because of the activities of the menace quacks and the preprodrance of malpractice that we are calling on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to quickly make a proclamation for the constitution and hence,  inauguration of the governing boards of regulatory agencies in health especially that of the Medical Laboratory Council of Nigeria.

“It is the governing board that can set up the tribunal that will investigate and try a culprit. And for more than two years now, the Medical Laboratory Council of Nigeria has been without a board and therefore, the governing board disciplinary committee is now set in abeyance.

“For quacks, we are all out for quacks. We have given out platforms for membership of the public to bring reports on activities of persons they consider quacks or they think may have wronged them in cause of seeking service or cases of negligence which most times are perpetuated by quacks.

“I also want to say that most places you go to to obtain testing or Medical Laboratory testing are not operated by our members, are not registered with the Medical Laboratory Council of Nigeria and that is because we have retired the police, the governing board is the police. Government must restore the boards so the boards can carry out its mandate of regulating practitioners, regulating facilities, curbing malpractice.

“The worry we have about quackery which we are  complaining about is not the quackery that is happening in the private, that is easy to curtail. It is the quackery happening in public health institutions, those owned by government that is a major trouble. We have tagged that guarded quackery. You are a quack under government protection. 

“When you employ a zoologist and post him to be conducting testing, he is there protected by government as a quack. When you employ a Science Laboratory Technologist who is not a Medical Laboratory Scientist and you deploy him to medical laboratory and that is the case in many states of the federation, government is providing shield for quacks.

“When you employ those who studied Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology as single honours without any form of licencial and you deploy them to provide testing in any form or guide, that is guarded quackery by government.

“We are up against them, we are raising alarm to the society to know that that is the practice and to condemn it and to hold management of these hospitals to account to ensure that we do not have wrong persons dealing with testing.

“Testing is a very delicate and dexterity endeavour. It must be manned by somebody who has requisite training and licention. It is not for charlatans, it is not an all comers endeavour.

“We are that most pharmacy shops in Nigeria is now laboratories, we are aware that most patent shops in Nigeria are now laboratories. We want to raise alarm that that is a disaster waiting to happen,  a public health disaster”, he stated.


10th Reps Have Transformed Nigeria’s Budgetary Process—Don




Prof.  Ifure  Ifure, Country Representative, Centre for International and Strategy Studies, says the 10th House of Representatives has revolutionised Nigeria’s budgetary process with fresh ideas and innovations.

He said the House replaced the traditional closed-door approach with a transparent open door method after one year in office.

Ifure this during an interview on Monday in Abuja in his appraisal of the 10th House of Representatives after one year in office.

“These days, budget proposals are now subjected to public debates, inputs, and suggestions from members of the public”, he said.

He said that Rep.  Kabiru Bichi, Chairman, House Committee on Appropriation  and his colleagues mplemented a cutting-edge system that harnessed the power of technology and data analytics to optimise resource allocation.

He further said such innovations in appropriations were well thought out approaches and should be commended.

“I have the privilege of acknowledging a truly remarkable achievement, one that will go down in history as a testament to the power of innovation and leadership.

“Their innovation, which has revolutionised the way our nation allocates resources, is a shining example of what can be achieved when vision, determination and expertise come together“, he said.  (NAN)

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FCT: Southern Leaders Urge Wike to Ignore Distractors




Some leaders from the southern Nigeria have advised the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Chief Nyesom Wike, to ignore political distractors bent on frustrating his efforts to transform the area.

The group gave the advice on Monday, while addressing newsmen in Abuja under the auspices of the Citizens Network for Peace and Development in Nigeria.

It said that the appointment of Wike by President Bola Tinubu was one of the best decisions of the administration.

The National Coordinator of the group, Mr Raphael Okorie, said that the minister had achieved in nine months, what former ministers could not in eight years.

Okorie appealed to Nigerians to be patient with Tinubu, saying that he was striving to fix the economy, restore security and bring relief to Nigerians.

“Wike has done a lot in just nine months.

“We know that there are people who want to distract him from replicating his sterling performance in Rivers.

“He is not even bothered about the crisis in Rivers. He is busy with developing Abuja,” the group said.

It furthet said that Wike had transformed the FCT, adding that it was strongly behind him and praying for him to succeed as minister.

Okorie said that the group had taken time to assess the performance of the administration of President Tinubu and Wike, adding that both were poised to urgently deliver the dividend of the Renewed Hope Agenda as promised.

According to him, from the rapid infrastructure development to  stabilising the economy, there is no doubt that Nigeria is on the part of recovery.

“Here, thereto, we micromanaged the value of the naira against other currencies of the world,” he said.

He further contended that the country’s infrastructure development became stunted before the inception of Tinubu’s administration.

Okorie said that the international community could not invest in Nigeria “because of inconsistent policies and over interference by the government in the affairs of the private sector.

“Confidence in our economy that hit its highest under the former President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration was completely eroded, Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) were near zero.

“Today, we have attained relative and realistic stability in the management of the naira and FDI is growing by the day.

“The private sector is getting the required support to grow and produce what we consume.

“Local content is being seriously encouraged and the government has opened its doors to all Nigerians to build an all-inclusive country, where no Nigerian is shortchanged by those that have invaded to destroy our dear nation.

“Our praises also go to Mr Project, Nyesom Wike for proving the president is right in appointing him as the minister of the nation’s capital,” he said.

He said that the minister had succeeded in bringing insecurity, which was a major challenge in Abuja, under control within the six months of his appointment.

“Today, the entire territory is relatively safe.

“We are not there yet, but with Wike in charge, we are optimistic that FCT will be completely safe soon,” Okorie said.

He appealed to the president to ignore those that were plotting to have Wike removed as FCT minister, and urged Tinubu to continue to support him.

“We also call on residents of the FCT to join hands and support Wike to succeed,” Okorie said. (NAN)

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Police Denounce Booing of Emir Sanusi, Warn Troublemakers



Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido

The Police Command in Kano State has expressed displeasure  over the booing  entourage of Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II by some individuals while he was returning to his palace after Eid prayers.

This is contained in a Statement issued by the command’s spokesman, SP Abdullahi Kiyawa, in Kano on Monday.

He said that, the incident occurred when the Emir took a different route, as part of his religious obligation.

He said unfortunately, he was booed within the vicinity of Festival Primary School and Zage/Zango areas by some unidentified persons.

“Currently, the police command is monitoring the entire Sallah events to ensure law and order are maintained, adequate security measures are in place to tackle any form of security threats.

“Accordingly, the police command is warning individuals intending to cause chaos or breach the peace during the Sallah celebration to stay clear of the state’’, he said.

The spokesman further stated that at the moment adequate security personnel had been deployed to arrest anyone attempting to cause a breakdown of law and order.

The police warned members of the public to desist from carrying weapons during and after the celebration, saying that anyone found would meet stiff penalties.

“Rigorous stop-and-search operations and patrols are ongoing in all Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the metropolitan area to ensure a peaceful celebration”, Kiyawa said. (NAN)

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