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Court Nullifies Sections of CAMA 2020 for Infringing on Citizens’ Fundamental Rights




A Federal High Court (FHC), Abuja has nullified some sections of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), 2020 which were considered to infringe on the fundamental human rights of the Nigerian citizens.

Justice James Omotosho, who struck out the sections in a judgment, held that the plaintiff, Mr Emmanuel Ekpenyong, had a locus standi to institute the suit on the subject matter.

Report says that Ekpenyong, an Abuja-based legal practitioner, had in a suit marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/1076/2020, sued the National Assembly, Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and the Attorney-General for the Federation (AGF) as 1st to 3rd defendants respectively.

In the originating summons dated and filed on Aug.

31, 2020, the lawyer prayed the court to determine whether he had the locus standi to institute the proceeding.

“Whether the provisions of Sections 839, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848 and 851 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act infringes on the plaintiff’s right to thought  conscience, and religion as enshrined in Section 38 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).”

Ekpenyong urged the court to further determine whether those sections infringed on his freedom of peaceful assembly and association as enshrined in Section 40 of the 1999 Constitution.

He also prayed the court to determine whether the provisions on the Administrative Proceeding Committee in Section 851 of CAMA, 2020 was inconsistent with the provisions of Section (6)(6)(b) and Sections 36(1) and 251(1) (e) of the 1999 Constitution.

He asked the court to determine whether the court had powers to grant mandatory injunctive reliefs against the defendants.

The lawyer, therefore, prayed the court to void the affected sections, having infringed on his fundamental human rights.

In a counter affidavit dated  and filed Jan  20, 2021 by counsel to the CAC, Olasoji Olowolafe, the commission decsribed the suit as “an abuse of judicial process.”

According to the commission, the action is academic  hypothetical and of no utilitarian value to the plaintiff.

CAC, which argued that the case was not backed by any credible evidence, prayed the court to dismiss it.

The National Assembly, in its preliminary objection, also contended that the suit was incompetent because pre-action notice was not served on them and that the plaintiff had no locus standi.

Besides, the AGF argued that the suit did not have a reasonable cause of action, while insisting that the plaintiff lacked locus to file the matter.

Ekpenyong, however, filed a reply on points of law, among others, to counter their arguments.

Delivering the judgment, Justice Omotosho held that under Article 3 (e) of the Preamble to the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) Rules, anyone could bring fundamental human rights matters on his own interest, on behalf of another person or even in public interest.

The judgment, which was delivered on Tuesday, was sighted on Friday by the press.

According to the judge, under the new human rights regime, a court shall not dismiss a human right action for mere want of locus standi.

He, therefore, held that the plaintiff in the case had locus to institute the suit.

Justice Omotosho held that the powers granted to CAC to regulate and administer Incorporated Trustees in Nigeria under Sections 839, 842, 843, 844, Section 845, Section 846, Section 847, Section 848 of the CAMA 2020 had infringed on Ekpenyong’s right to freedom of thoughts.

He also held that the sections infringed on the conscience and religion as enshrined under Section 38 of the constitution and freedom of peaceful assembly and association enshrined under Section 40 of the constitution and are therefore null and void.

He also held that the provisions of the Administrative Proceedings Committee in Section 851 of the new CAMA denied the plaintiff his constitutional rights of access to court in Sections 6 (6) (b) and Section 36 (1) of the constitution and also usurped the powers of the Federal High Court under Section 251 (1) (e) of the constitution.

The judge, consequently, struck down Sections 839, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848 and Section 851 of the CAMA 2020, declaring same to be null and void, having been inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution.

The judge, however, agreed that since Ekpenyong did not serve the National Assembly with pre-action notice in line with Section 21 of the Legislative Houses Power and Privileges Act, the suit was incompetent against the legislative organ.

NAN had, on March 21, reported that Justice Inyang Ekwo of a sister court had retrained the CAC from suspending or appointing trustees of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the churches.

Justice Inyang Ekwo, in that judgment in a suit filed by the Registered Trustees of CAN, held that the provisions of Sections 17 (1), 839 (1) and (7) (a), 842 (1) and (2), 851 and 854 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), 2020 and Regulations 28, 29 and 30 of the Companies Regulations (CR), 2021 were not applicable to CAN, the churches and other religious body.(NAN)


Court to Hear Edo Govt Suit Challenging Shuaibu’s Reinstatement Sept 24




A Federal High Court in Abuja has fixed Sept. 24 to hear the two separate motions filed by the Edo Government and the House of Assembly challenging the reinstatement of Philip Shaibu as deputy governor.Justice James Omotosho fixed the date following two motions on notice filed by the state’s Attorney General (AG) and House of Assembly by their lawyers, Oluwole Iyamu, SAN, and Ken Mozia, SAN, respectively.

In the motion dated and filed July 18 by Iyamu, the AG sought two orders.
He prayed the court for an order “staying the execution of the judgment in Suit No. FHC/ABJ/CS/478/2024 Between RT. HON. COMRADE PHILIP SHAIBU v. INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE AND 5 ORS delivered on the 17th day of July, 2024 pending the determination of the appeal filed against the said judgment.
“He also sought an order of injunction restraining the respondents from giving effect to the July 17 judgment pending the hearing and determination of the appeal.Also in the motion dated and filed July 18 by Mozia, the Edo lawmakers sought an order suspending the judgment and restraining Shaibu from parading himself or attending any official function as deputy governor pending the hearing and determination of their appeal.The applicants, in their grounds of argument, said being dissatisfied with the judgment, they had appealed against it vide a notice of appeal dated July 18 and filed same day.“The said notice of appeal raises serious and arguable grounds.“It raises the issue of the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court to entertain the subject matter of this suit,” they said.They argued that their right of appeal would be stifled if the application was not granted.The applicants said the smooth operation of the machinery of the state government would be impeded if Shaibu “is allowed to take over as the Deputy Governor of Edo State having regard to his recent open declaration of support for the rival political party (The All Progressives Congress).”“Monetary damages would be an adequate compensation to the 1st respondent (Shaibu) should it turn out that this application ought not to have been granted,” they argued, among others grounds.Report says that Justice Omotosho had, on July 17, voided the impeachment of Shuaibu as the deputy governor of Edo.Justice James Omotosho, in a judgment, ordered his reinstatement to office on the grounds that the house of assembly failed to comply with due process in the purported impeachment.The judgment was on the suit marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/478/2024 with Shuaibu as the plaintiff.The reinstated deputy governor had sued the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), the Deputy Governor of Edo, the AG, Chief Judge of Edo, Speaker of Edo House of Assembly and the Edo State House of Assembly as 1st to 6th defendants respectively.Justice Omotosho had held that the allegation on which the assembly based the impeachment proceedings was untenable in law and did not constitute a gross misconduct.(NAN)

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Fake Abduction: Appeal Court Affirms Dethroned Traditional Ruler’s Conviction




The Court of Appeal, Lagos Division on Monday affirmed the conviction of the dethroned traditional ruler of Shangisha in Magodo, Mutiu Ogundare, for faking his own abduction.

The court, however, reduced Ogundare’s sentence to 12 years from the 15 years initially handed down on him by the lower court.

Report says that Justice Hakeem Oshodi of the Lagos State High in Ikeja, had on Sept.

27, 2022, sentenced the convict to 15 years imprisonment.

Ogundare was charged alongside his wife, Abolanle and his brother, Opeyemi Mohammed.

They were arraigned on three counts of breach of peace and fake abduction, preferred against them by the Lagos State government.

The lower court had discharged and acquitted Ogundare’s wife, Abolanle, saying that she had no link to the crime.

The court, however, found Ogundare and Mohammed guilty as charged.

Dissatisfied with the judgment, Ogundare, approached the Court of Appeal to challenge the decision of the lower court.

When the case was called on Monday, the lead Justice, Justice Peter Bassi, upheld the judgment of the lower court in counts one and two and upturned count three.

Other Justices of the panel were Justice Bayero and Justice Folashade Ojo, who agreed with the judgment of the lead justice.

Bassi said that Ogundare’s appeal succeeds in part and reduced his sentence to 12 years.

The court held that the appellant would  serve 10 years imprisonment for count one and two years for count two.

On the third count, the court upturned the sentence of the lower court, in respect of false representation to release a kidnapped person.

The convict was first remanded on July 16, 2017, in Kirikiri correctional centre by an Ogba Magistrates’ Court, for alleged fake abduction.

The state had stated that the convicts committed the offences on July 5, 2017, along Centre for Management Development  Road, Ikosi-Isheri Local Council Development Area.

The state said that Ogundare, staged the kidnap to blackmail the state government. (NAN)

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Court Orders Release of Ali Bello’s International Passport for Medical Trip Abroad 




A Federal High Court, Abuja, on Monday, ordered the release of the international passport of Ali Bello to enable him travel to the UK  for medical examination and consultation.

Justice Obiora Egwuatu, in a ruling on Bello’s motion on notice moved by his lawyer, Abubakar Aliyu, SAN, ordered the deputy chief registrar of the court to release his travel documents.

Justice Egwuatu directed Bello to return  the international passport to the deputy chief registrar of the court on or before Sept.


The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had filed an alleged money laundering charge against Bello, Abba Adaudu, Yakubu Siyaka Adabenege and Iyadi Sadat as 1st to 4th defendants respectively.

Although they were arraigned before Justice Egwuatu, they all pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Bello, through his counsel, Aliyu, had, in the motion on notice marked: FHC/ABJ/CR/573/2022, sought an order granting him the permission to travel to the UK for medical checkup.

In the application dated April 2 but filed April 5, the applicant sought two reliefs, including an order releasing his international passport in the custody of the deputy chief registrar of the court.

Bello said the purpose of the routine cardiologic follow-up was to review his medication and undergo cardiac tests scheduled for July of each year and as required based on medical advice.

He said the court had, on two occasions, granted him leave to travel between August 2023 and December 2023 and that he did travel and return the international passport to the deputy chief registrar of the court before the expiration of the times granted.

He, therefore, undertook to return the travel passport as he had always done  if leave is granted and upon his return.

He equally undertook to be law abiding in the UK should his application be granted.

But in opposition, the EFCC filed a counter affidavit of five-paragraphs deposed to by Abubakar Salihu Wara on April 19, 2024.

Mr Rotimi Oyedepo SAN, lead counsel to the the anti-graft agency, argued that Bello had not placed any medical report before the court to show the health condition that necessitated the medical appointment.

Oyedepo said that Exhibit ‘A’ attached to the application did not disclose the email address of the sender and the receiver of the said medical appointment and had not exhibited anything to show that Exhibit ‘A’ emanated from London Centre for Advanced Cardiology.

He argued that Bello might tamper with the evidence in the charges against him if the application is granted.

But Bello, in a further affidavit, disagreed with the EFCC’s submission.

Delivering the ruling, the judge asked if Bello had placed enough material before the court to enable the court grant the application.

According to Justice Egwuatu, it is on record that this court granted bail to the applicant.

“Since the grant of bail, he has not breached the terms of bail and has been coming to court to stand his trial.

“It is not controverted that this court had on two previous occasions granted the applicant similar prayers.

“On those two occasions, that is, between the 1st to 31st of August, 2023 and 17th of December, 2023 and 10th January, 2024, the applicant did not breach the terms of the permission granted.

“Applicant’s depositions that ‘on the two occasions, I returned my International Passport to the Deputy Chief Registrar of this court was not denied by the respondent (EFCC).

“There is no evidence before this court that the applicant breached the terms of the grant or the terms of the bail granted to him by this court.

“The grounds for opposing this application now by the prosecution are anchored on Paragraphs 4 (a) to (g) of the counter affidavit.

“I have examined these paragraphs vis-a-vis the response of the applicant,” he said.

The judge said that there was no evidence before the court by the EFCC that the name of the London hospital “and address are not in existence and no contrary evidence disputing the fact that the applicant has a scheduled appointment with the said cardiologist.”

According to him, there is also no evidence before this court that the applicant while on bail did or attempted to interfere with evidence or collude with any person to tamper with evidence.

“The law is trite and clear: facts not disputed or challenged are deemed to have been accepted and/or admitted by the party against whom they are averred.”

“I therefore believe the depositions of the applicant,” the judge said.

Justice Egwuatu further said that a defendant ought to be healthy to be able to stand the rigors of trial.

“It has to be noted that the health of every citizen is very important consideration to the state, whether he is a defendant/suspect or a free man.

“I wholeheartedly subscribe to the view that a defendant should be alive to stand trial and face the just desserts of his crime if he is adjudged guilty as charged.

“As stated by Obadina JCA in Ani vs. State (2002) 11 WRN 53 at 68:’ is only the living that can praise God, so also it is only the living that can be tried, convicted and punished for an offence..” he quoted.

The judge subsequently granted Bello’s prayers being sought.(NAN)

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