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Legislative Institute Graduates 500 Students – Official




Five hundred students have graduated from the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) in 10 years from 2013.

Director, Exams and Records at the institute, Dr Moshood Amuda made the declaration on Thursday in Abuja.

He represented the Director-General of the institute, Prof.

Abubakar Sulaiman at the induction of students of NILDS-UNIBEN postgraduate programme for 2022/2023 academic session.

“The institute has enrolled about 800 students and graduated about 500,’’ he said.

He explained that the institute’s postgraduate programme is conducted in collaboration with the University of Benin (UNIBEN) and is fully accredited by the National Universities Commission.

He said the induction aimed to familiarize the students with the learning environment to enable them to make the best use of available resources.

“NILDS is one of the world’s premier academic and research institutions established by an Act of parliament to support the sustenance of dynamic and effective legislature in Nigeria; in ECOWAS and Africa at large.

“The NILDS-UNIBEN postgraduate programme is, therefore, part of the overall framework of the institute for deepening knowledge of the legislature and democratic governance.

“Postgraduate programme offered by the institute are the Masters in Legislative Studies, Masters in Elections and Party Politics and Masters in Legislative Drafting.

“Others are Masters in Parliamentary Administration, and Postgraduate Diploma in Elections and Party Management,’’ he said.

Amuda added that more than 100 students had been admitted into the various programmes for the 2022/2023 session.

According to him, the distribution of the new students by gender also shows improvement in female enrolment into the NILDS postgraduate programmes.

“In the postgraduate diploma programme, females account for 57 per cent and constitute 46 per cent of new students in the Masters in Legislative Drafting programme.

“This is commendable and would be improved upon,” he said.

He said the NILDS had launched its Democracy Radio 104.9 FM and the Legislative Centre for Security Analysis.

Amuda added that in addition to lectures and library resources, students could listen to broadcasts of programmes to enhance their knowledge on a broad range of issues on the legislature and on national development.

He encouraged new students to tune to NILDS Democracy Radio 104.9 FM often.

Amuda also enjoined the students to follow all NILDS social media handles and to subscribe to its YouTube channels to access materials that would enhance their understanding of its programmes. (NAN)


Atiku Calls for Political Solution to Nnamdi Kanu Issue




By Johnson Eyiangho, Abuja

Following the violence that led to the killing of some soldiers in Abia State on Thursday, former Vice-president Atiku Abubakar, has called for political solution to the Nnamdi Kanu and other associated issues as part of efforts to ensure peace in the south east.

Atiku condemned the killing of the soldiers and some civilians during a sit-at-home organised by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) to remember millions of Igbos killed during the 1967-170- civil war.

The former Vice-president said on his X handle on Friday, “To this end, without prejudice to the ongoing legal processes, I think the time has come to explore a political resolution to the Nnamdi Kanu and other associated issues.

I believe that this will diffuse the compressor cooker situation in the region. It will be a win-win for all parties.”

He sympathised with the families of soldiers and civilians killed during the the violence, adding “even more profound is the impact of yesterday’s sit-at-home in the Southeast region of our country on students writing WAEC examinations”.

“The veil of the so-called unknown gunmen hiding under cover to unleash death and mayhem must be lifted to ensure that criminal elements are separated from legitimate agitators.

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Governor Mutfwang’s One Year of Refreshing Air on the Plateau




By Jude Dangwam

The collective aspirations of Plateau people as demonstrated in March 18, 2023 gubernatorial election that saw the emergence of Barr Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang as the Governor of Plateau State and further affirmed by the Supreme Court of Nigeria has clocked one year in office today.

It is obvious that Plateau people did not make a mistake in voting Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang as their leader after eight years of stagnation and leadership gap created between the people and the then All Progressives Congress (APC) administration in the state.

Since his inauguration on May 29, 2023, Governor Mutfwang has left no one in doubt as to his mission in the state- changing the narrative of Plateau to the delight of citizens of the state despite the burdens of insecurity, bankruptcy of the state inherited from the last administration of Simon Bako Lalong.

Owing to his commitment to fulfil his campaign promises has earned him the name “Talk And Do Governor” by citizens of the state..

On assumption of  office, Governor Mutfwang met a demoralised civil service on strike with four months unpaid salaries amounting to over N11 billion. This debt was cleared within few months in office and he  has continued with prompt payment of wages and gratuity of public servants.

To get workers satisfied and productive, Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang is committed to cultivating a collaborative bond with all labour unions to fortify the civil service and ensure efficient service delivery to the people of Plateau.

He has repeatedly re-echoed that payment of salaries is never an achievement but an obligation as “a labourer is worthy of his wages”, Civil servants have never had it so good since he came on board.

Interestingly, Plateau is up-to-date in the payment of salaries and also has commenced payment of pension, gratuities and death benefits arrears from 1986 to date. He has ordered for upward review of monthly pension from N5,000 to N20,000 with effect from January, 2024.

During the campaigns for election, he stood on the fact that he will not sack any worker who was duly employed in line with the civil service rule, rather he would create room for more employment, particularly of young persons.

Even for the fact that he was misconstrued for terminating the employment made by the immediate past government, he stayed true to his words and went ahead to verify the process to ensure credibility and fairness. At the completion of the verification exercise, 3,879 workers were found employable after strenuously going through the list.

Governor Mutfwang has shown human face and determined to empower Plateau youths irrespective of faith, ethnic and political affiliation. He has injected the new workers into the service for efficient service delivery to the development of Plateau.

These are interesting scenarios taken into account that government after another has come and gone without any of them taking the gauntlet to address the issue. Over the years, many pensioners have taken ill, while some have died as they waited for their pension and gratuities.

He has also implemented hazard allowances for medical doctors, nurses and health workers, coupled with his interventions for the accreditation of courses mainly in the state owned tertiary institutions. No wonder, he has been adjudged by the Nigeria Labour Congress as civil servant friendly-Governor.

His harmonious working relationship with leaders of joint unions was cultivated in the interest of peace and development of Plateau. No wonder, he has taken time to meet with the unions’ leadership to explain position of government regarding these critical areas.

Governor Mutfwang in an effort to motivate the civil service, has continued with the implementation of N30,000 minimum wage and an approval of N12,000 to each civil servant as palliative for fuel subsidy removal.

Knowing that the state is noted for agricultural production, he has prepared well for the farmers generally. He has secured over 200 trucks of fertilizers and distributed at subsidized  rates  to farmers in the state.

Aware that some communities are being invaded by armed bandits, and as such  might find  difficulty in accessing their farms, the governor has not lost sleep to ensure that security is available to protect farmers in their communities to enable them sustain agricultural productivity..

Apart from the distribution of grains and other household items for indigent citizens in the state, Governor Mutfwang has procured 15 luxurious buses designated for strategic routes within the state to ease cost of transportation for citizens. He has resuscitated the moribund rail transport system within Jos- Bukuru  Metropolis. All these was to boost the state’s economy and improve the standard of living of the people.

On infrastructure in the state, despite facing huge security challenges and legal disputes that initially hindered the smooth commencement of his administration, Barr Mutfwang, has remained steadfast in addressing the state’s challenges and delivering democratic dividends across all sectors of the economy. 

Mutfwang, the workaholic governor has remained the people’s hero by setting up construction sites all over the state. Having met most roads in some parts of the metropolis in a total state of disrepair, he initiated action to take those head on by fixing them almost at the same time. By that singular action, his name would for long remain on the lips of the people of the state; who have always identified with the government that works for them.

Few days after the Supreme Court victory, the governor mobilized several construction companies to some of the most important projects, which were started by former Governor Jonah David Jang but abandoned by Governor Simon Bako Lalong’s government in 2015 to the end of his eight- year tenure.

The lead was instructive, forge ahead and concentrate on developing the state at all cost, without minding if he had any case in court at all. For starters, he became governor during one of the toughest times in the history of the state.

Muscled from all sides by a determined opposition to wrest power from the ruling APC and the genocidal attacks, which became more pronounced in his local government of birth, Mangu would have slowed his resolve to be the leader the state needed.

Within one year in office, Governor Mutfwang has demonstrated resilience, commitment and strong leadership qualities that endeared him to Plateau people. He is marching forward towards uniting Plateau people across the divides of faith and ethnicity. He is building a united and prosperous Plateau that is the dream of all.

The Governor has embarked on the transformation of the state capital with the Metropolitan city wearing a new look with various road networks as well as the introduction of monthly sanitation which was long forgotten.

The Plateau State Environmental and Sanitation Agency (PEPSA) and Jos Metropolitan Development Board (JMDB) through instrumentality of the Executive Order 003 has embarked on total overhaul of the Jos – Bukuru Metropolis to reclaim it’s original Master Plan towards a beautiful city that was known before.

Various shanties, street traders at the Central Business area of Taminus and Bukuru market, traffic control especially within the metropolitan city has vanished with stiffer penalties giving birth to fresh air in the state capital.

The General Manager of the Jos Metropolitan Development Board JMDB Arch Hart Bankat had earlier disclosed that violators of traffic rules will face strict penalties, including fines and vehicle impoundment as they implement the Executive Order 003.

“We believe that by enforcing this executive order, we can improve the quality of life for all residents of Plateau State and create a safe and organized urban environment. We urge all residents to cooperate with the authorities and adhere to the provisions of Executive Order No. 003, 2024” he stated. 

Inline with open and transparent governance, the Mutfwang administration in fulfilment of his commitment to accountability to the electorate that overwhelmingly voted him into office, the Governor approved a Ministerial briefing for all Commissioners to give their scorecards before the people of Plateau State.

The Ministerial briefing led by the Commissioner for Information and Communication, Hon Musa Ashoms is aimed at holding government accountable by citizens.

Ashoms noted that the civil service is the engine room of government where various bureaucracy of government takes place towards the translation of government policies and programs into physical look to be felt by citizens.

“You can be sure that a lot of the paper work takes place in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) before the physical manifestation of such efforts. Today, we behold the first set of these MDAs that will provide insights into what the administration has done in its first year. 

“This gesture highlights his readiness to provide the tonic for the reactivation of the machinery of government in all of its departments. It is this attitude that drives the vigorous activities across various sectors and across the state, turning it into a huge project site for massive infrastructural development and an incubator for robust public policy initiatives.”

The Governor has sponsored 540 out of 1,232 pilgrims from Plateau for this year’s Hajj to Saudi Arabia for the annual religious rituals after clearing a backlog of N155million for deposits for  intending Pilgrims’ that was misused by the previous administration of Simon Bako Lalong.

The Executive Secretary of the Plateau State Muslim Pilgrim Welfare Board, Alhaji Daiyabu Dauda disclosed that without the intervention of the Governor, the 2024 Hajj wouldn’t have been a success story.

“Hajj is one of the fifth pillars of Islam which is prescribed upon every Muslim who has the privilege and freedom to embark on it once in their lifetime.

“Without the approval and release of N155 million funds to clear the inherited backlog, many of the intending Pilgrims could not have been here today for the 2024 Hajj.

“The State government secured a Bank loan of N2 billion to enable the Board obtained the needed number of Hajj slots from the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) before the intending Pilgrims from the state made their deposits.

“The State Government has been paying the interest on the loan. We have paid about N1.6 billion now, is just N4 million left, which by the grace of God we will clear after we return,” he explained 

The one year developmental stride by the Mutfwang administration has impressed even the opposition party – APC in the state as stated by the factional  state Chairman Hon. Ishaya Itse. Putting party differences aside he said  the performance of Governor Caleb Mutfwang of the PDP could  not be compared to the first four years of his party in the last administration.

“As APC Chairman in the state, I am in a vantage position to educate people on  the achievements of my party the APC. Sorry to reveal that the one year in office under governor Lalong. Our celebration was practically paper work not practical for the citizens of the state to see as it is in the case of the Mutfwang’s administration that you can see, feel and touch.

“The time for politicking is over, now is time to give the dividend of democracy to the people of Plateau State who queued under the scorching sun to elect leaders they thought would savage them from poverty and other inhuman vices,” he stated.

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First 100 Days In Office: Ododo Ends Percentage Payment of LG Workers, Pensioners




By Joseph Amedu

Kogi State Governor, Ahmed Usman Ododo has within his 100 days in office  made history with the payment of 100 percent monthly pension to Local Government Pensioners and 85 percent monthly salary to local government workers in the state.

This positive development which started in the month of April, 2024, is coming after several years of percentage payment being experienced by local government pensioners and workers in the state.

It was  jubilation galore for the beneficiaries as they say that it will go a long way in cushioning the effect of the current economic hardship as well as giving them sense of belonging with their counterparts in the Kogi State Civil Service.

Governor Ododo also made his mark within the 100 days in office by entrenchment of good governance through the appointment of capable Commissioners and Special Advisers to effectively kick start  his administration.

In the education sector, Governor Ododo made his mark in the payment of external examination fees such for examination bodies like West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB); creation of online registration portal for the registration of indigenous students of Kogi in tertiary institutions across the country for payment of their bursary allowances; payment of outstanding fees to all Students’ Associations and Youth Organisations in the state.

Ododo equally ensured the completion of internal roads at Confluence University of Science and Technology, Osara as well as inspection of legacy projects in the institution and Kogi State University, Kabba.

Furthermore, the Governor embarked on training of teachers in the Kogi State Public Schools and  deployment of new set of teachers recruited by  the state government.

In order to boost food security within the period under review, Governor Ododo’s administration, cleared over 8,000 hectares of farmland for this year’s farming season, conducted a census of genuine farmers in the state to determine farmers to benefit from government subsidies and interventions and refurbishment of over 200 Tractors, which were distributed to farmers across the state to carry out their farming activities.

On information dissemination, the Governor installed  new Transmitters at Radio Kogi headquarters in Lokoja to ensure effective publicity of government policies and programmes. He followed with provision of operational vehicles to the Radio Station and installation of  Solar Power to ensure uninterrupted transmission.

In an effort to avert possible flooding in the state during this year’s raining season, Governor Ododo within his 100 days in office, awarded contract of N29.9Billion Erosion Control Projects at Ankpa, Okene and Ijumu local government areas

A cross section of Lokoja residents who spoke to DAILY ASSET, scored Gov Ododo  high, interms of delivering democracy dividends to the people in his first 100 days in office describing him as very promising and committed governor that could help develop the state in a very short time to come.

Ododo was sworn into office on Jan. 27 after winning the Kogi Nov. 11 Off-Cycle election on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Mrs Idris oyiza, a civil servant, lauded the governor for ensuring monthly salary payment for workers in the state.

“Ododo has maintained 100 per  cent regular payment of Staff monthly salary which has raised the hope of workers that better days are coming”

Mrs Suleiman Zainab, a business woman, said that Ododo had recorded some major achievements in his 100 days office.

Zainab  appealed to Ododo to introduce some economic policies and programmes that would capture other residents, especially those who were vulnerable.

“We want this government to support the small and medium entrepreneurs with loans and other incentives for us to succeed in our businesses and in turn boost the economy of the state, ” she said

A commercial cyclist,  Ibrahim Abubakar, , urged the governor to introduce some control on some union officials collecting illegal levies on cyclists without remitting it to government coffers.

Also speaking, Mrs Victoria Jagboro, Provost, College of Education Technical, Mopa, Kogi, said that Ododo had been able to ensure peace in the state within his few days in office.

Jagboro said that the governor was averse to disunity of any kind.

“Yours, is no doubt, a new beginning for our dear state.

“We appreciate your commitment to the well-being of the citizenry and your dogged commitment to the education sector.

“Be rest assured that we will stand by you on this remarkable feat of moving our dear state forward, support all actions that will be taken and mobilise our members to embrace the programs and policies of your administration,” she said.

Retired Cmdr Jerry Omodara, the State Security Adviser, described Ododo as an outstanding leader and  commended him for the improved security of lives and property in the state.

“Ododo’s sterling leadership qualities have resulted in a peaceful atmosphere in Kogi in just his 100 days in office.

“His policies and programmes have supported the overall development of the state, and as well as the well-being of the people of the state.

“Most laudable is Ododo’s open door administrative policy to Kogi people along his giant strides in tackling insecurity in the state,” he said.
The state’s Commissioner for Solid Minerals and Natural Resources, Mr Bashiru Gegu, congratulated the governor and his deputy,  Joel Oyibo-Salifu, on their first 100 days in office.

The commissioner said that the first 100 days of the governor had been full of activities that had  positive impact on the lives of the residents of the state.

“In fact, we have seen our governor’s genuine commitment to sustaining the legacies of development and performance of former Gov. Yahaya Bello.

“We have equally seen exceptional drive for excellence and good governance.

“This is the way we are congratulating our governor and wishing him more fruitful years in office to keep raising the hope of the citizens,” he said.

Chairman of the state chapter of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Alhaji Danladi Aliyu,  who also spoke with DAILY ASSET commended the governor for tackling the security challenge facing the state.

Aliyu said that the donation of 5 operational vehicles to vigilante groups across the state and 42 motorcycles to the local government councils for security was a pointer to the fact that Ododo’s administration placed great premium on the well-being of the people.

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