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Nigeria Deploys Troops for Peace Keeping in Gambia




The Armed Forces of Nigeria on Friday, announced the deployment of 197 personnel for the peace keeping mission in the Gambia.

The Chief of Operations Nigerian Army, Maj-Gen. Boniface Sinjen made the announcement in Jaji, Kaduna State, at the graduation of troops of Nigerian Company 9 Economic Community of West African States Mission in The Gambia (ECOMIG).

Report says that the 197 troops began Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) on May 4, at Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre (MLAILPKC) Jaji Kaduna State.

According to him, the PDT is in line with the commitment of the Chief of Army Staff , Lt -Gen Taoreed Lagbaja and the Armed Forces of Nigeria in deploying quality peacekeepers in support of international peace and security.

He said that the training had equipped them with the necessary tactical skills and knowledge required for peace support operations.

“It  has prepared you for the protection of civilians and the accomplishment of assigned tasks under the ECOMIG mandate.

“You have learned the importance of teamwork, leadership and cultural sensitivity as well as other factors that would ensure your success in the mission area.

“You have been trained in the latest techniques and procedures for maintaining peace and stability in a complex environment and instilled with the values of discipline, respect for human rights and compassion for the people you are going out there to protect.

“Your mission comes at a critical time, as The Gambia faces a period of

uncertainty and instability, “he said.

According to him, the country’s political crisis has affected the lives of many innocent civilians and their presence will sustain the existing peace and stability to the region.

“Your role is crucial in maintaining peace, protecting lives and promoting sustainable development.”

Sinjen  charged  the troops to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, discipline and respect for human rights.

He advised them to adhere strictly to the ECOWAS’ mandate, which guides your mission and ensure that your actions align with the principles of peace, stability and human rights.

”Remember that your conduct will not only reflect on yourselves but also on your country, the ECOWAS region and the international community.

”Additionally, your training has exposed you to the culture and religious diversity of The Gambia.

 “You are, therefore, expected to approach all interactions with sensibility and respect. Be mindful of the local customs, traditions and socio-political dynamics of the mission area.

”You must remain vigilant in the face of potential security threats and   avoid any actions that may be perceived as insensitive,” he said.

He said that as peacekeepers in a sovereign nation, they must adhere strictly to the UN principles and guidelines for peacekeeping operations.

 “Respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of The Gambia and avoid any actions that may be perceived as interference in the country’s internal affairs.”

He said the Armed Forces of Nigeria had zero-tolerance on sexual exploitation and abuse in line with United Nations’ policies.

”Therefore, any form of sexual exploitation and abuse will be met with severe consequences.

“As ambassadors of the armed Forces of Nigeria and our great nation, you must uphold the esteemed values and enviable image of this country, “Sinjen said.

Earlier, the Commandant of MLAILPKC, Maj-Gen. Ademola Adedoja, said the six weeks training had been intense, comprehensive, and was conducted in line with the Standard UN Core Pre-Deployment Training Modules.

Adedoja said the PDT was to equip the earmarked unit with the requisite skills and knowledge to function effectively and efficiently in their deployment to the Gambia.

He said as  part of their training, the troops were taken through crosscutting issues like Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Conflict Related Sexual Violence, Conduct and Discipline as well as Protection of Civilians amongst others.

“This graduation is a testament to the capacity and capability of the MLAILPKC as a United Nations accredited Centre to conduct quality training of prospective peacekeepers for deployment to multidimensional Peace Support Operations in fulfillment of her mandate.

“The Centre has within the last six weeks been able to train, retrain and refresh the troops on requisite knowledge and expertise to succeed in a Peace Support Operation environment.

” It is my fervent belief that these men are better informed and equipped to perform their roles in the Gambia, “Adedoja said.

He said the graduation ceremony once more showed the commitment of Nigeria and the Nigerian Armed Forces to global peace and security. (NAN)


Rivers Reps Caucus Disowns Purported Leader, Spokesperson




The Rivers caucus in the House of Representatives has disowned one of its members, Rep. Dumnamene Deekor as its leader and spokesman, saying he was never instructed to speak on behalf of the caucus.

Rep. Awaji-Inombek Abiante, Leader of the Rivers Caucus in the house, in a statement in Abuja on Friday, dismissed a statement credited to the lawmaker.

The statement had called for sanction of the coordinator of the G-60 Lawmakers, Rep.

Ikenga Ugochinyere.

Abiante said the leadership of the Rivers caucus in the house had always been based on seniority.

He added that a second term lawmaker could not lead the caucus when there are more senior lawmakers.

He explained that as a lawmaker, Deekor is aware of the fact that every member had the right to comment on any issue affecting any part of the country.

This, he said,  was because they had sworn to defend the integrity of Nigeria.

“The Rivers caucus in the house of representatives read with dismay,  a statement purportedly issued by the member, representing Khana/Gokana Federal Constituency, Deekor.

“The statement called for the discipline of the Coordinator of the G-60 Lawmakers in the Green Chamber,  Ugochinyere over his position on vexed issues in the polity.

“We refused to collectively accede to Deekor’s self serving stands as he has never been elected by the Rivers caucus to speak on our behalf.”

He said that Deekor being a second term lawmaker,  could not have arrogated to himself, the position of caucus leader in the midst of third and fourth term lawmakers.(NAN)

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DG, NA Centre Tasks Judiciary on Due Diligence in Handling Terrorism Cases




The Director-General, Nigerian Army Resource Centre, retired Maj..-Gen.Garba Wahab has urged the judiciary to carry out due diligence in handling cases of terrorism insurgency, banditry and other security threats facing the nation.

The call Wahab said became necessary to guard against impunity by perpetrators of such acts.

He made the call while addressing newsmen in Abuja on Friday.

”Let the judiciary start doing their job because if we don’t, we are encouraging impunity”.

Wahab also said that the conference was a pre-conference to a roundtable to be held on Monday and Tuesday on “Asymmetrical National Security Challenges, the Army and National Development”.

He said that the security challenges in the country were well-known issues by all adding that it behoved on all stakeholders to find lasting solutions to the myriad of the problems.

“We will like to trudge on to find a solution to the security challenges. We know the problems but what are the solutions.

“We have issues. We must find solutions; we must beg, if it means begging… This is our country and it must work.

“We must find a way to make sure things work in Nigeria. Prosecution is a two-way thing. The judge and the prosecuting officers must up their game.

“The judiciary must be up and doing. Series of allegations have been leveled and we are not leveling allegation against anybody, but we must work as a country,” Wahab said.

Also speaking, the Executive Director , Development Specs Academy, Prof. Okey Ikechukwu said that the pre-conference was organised as part of public engagements designed to strengthen public awareness on asymmetrical national security challenges.

“The essence of drawing special attention to our strategic partners is to emphasise the roles and relevance of credible and highly professional bodies, institutes and institutions as well as agencies of government that are headed by professionals in public communication and the media.”

He said that asymmetrical security challenges ranged from embedded targets, refusal of the average person to help the army and other security agencies with local intelligence.

“We become illiterate enough not to understand that it is our duty to provide that intelligence for us to be protected.

“So that is a security challenge for those managing security but it doesn’t take the standard form that they are familiar with so refusal to help.”

Ikechukwu listed the partners to the planned roundtable to include the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Voice of Nigeria (VON), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, among others.(NAN)

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Police Neutralise Kidnap Suspect, Arrest 4 others in Delta




The Police Command in Delta has neutralised a suspected member of a kidnap gang during a shootout in Ughelli North Local Government area.

The command’s spokesman, SP Bright Edafe told newsmen on Friday in Warri that the other members of the gang escaped during the shootout.

Edafe said that the incident occurred on Thursday near the Adjekota-Ogor communities  of Ughelli North.

He said that the team of police operatives deployed by the Commissioner of Police (CP), Mr Olufemi Abaniwonda, intercepted and engaged the hoodlums resulting in the death of one of the gang members.

Edafe said that the team lead by ASP Julius Robinson, acting on credible intelligence, stormed a criminal hideout on the Ughelli/Patani Road by an abandoned filling station.

“The hoodlums on sighting the police opened fire on the team, and the police responded.

“In the ensuing gun duel, one of the hoodlums sustained serious gun shot injuries while others escaped.

“The injured suspect was taken to the hospital where he died while receiving treatment,” he said.

Edafe said that two Beretta pistol and five rounds of live ammunition were recovered from the gang members.

The command’s spokesman said that a manhunt was already underway for the fleeing members of the gang.

Edafe also said that the police special team arrested four robbery/kidnap suspects in Sapele Town on Wednesday.

He said that ASP Robinson led the police team to the suspects hideout in Sapele and effected the arrest.

According to him, one locally made cut-to-size gun was recovered from the suspects.

Edafe said that preliminary investigation revealed that aside the hoodlums’ involvement in cult-related activities, they were also suspected to be armed robbers

The police spokesman said that investigation into the case was ongoing. (NAN)

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