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Road to Winning War against Drug Abuse in Nigeria




By Ibironke Ariyo

Drug and alcohol abuse, trafficking, and related criminal activities remain serious problems which affect the lives of many Nigerians.

Drug abuse triggers many social problems worldwide. It leads to major health challenges, crimes, and violent crimes, among others.

Substance abuse destroys the potential in youths, which in many instances, gives rise to crimes like insurgency, terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, rape, to mention but a few.

According to experts, the most commonly abused drugs by youths are marijuana, cocaine, stimulants, painkillers and prescription drugs, spice and K2, heroin, crystal meth, MDMA, hallucinogens, DXM and inhalants among others.

Many factors have been blamed for substance abuse among young people.

Peer pressure, poor parental upbringing, corruption, unemployment, ego rank high among the causes of drug abuse.

A United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report says drugs abuse was responsible for the death of almost half a million people in 2019 while drug use disorders resulted in the loss of 18 million years of healthy life.

The 2018 National Drug Use Survey also revealed that there were about 14.3 million drug users in Nigeria out of which close to 3 million suffered from drug use disorders.

This figure represents a 14.4 per cent prevalence rate in Nigeria, which is about three times the global average prevalence rate of 5 per cent.

The UNODC in its 2021 World Drug Report projects said that by 2030, the number of people using drugs around the world will rise by 11 per cent and by 40 per cent in Africa alone.

This is a disturbing projection because as the country with the largest population in Africa, the implication is that Nigeria’s drug abuse prevalence will rise substantially.

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and Ministry of Justice are in partnership to promote and pursue an approach that combines prevention, treatment, and enforcement to break the cycle of substance abuse and drug-related crimes.

The NDLEA, retired Brig.- Gen. Buba Marwa, said in the past three years, the agency has seized 7,590 tons of illicit drugs and substances nationwide with an estimated market value of over N800 billion.

The NDLEA Chairman spoke during a visit to the agency’s Abuja headquarters by the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Christopher Musa.

He further said the agency has arrested 42,105 drug offenders.

Marwa, who had worked as Chairman, Presidential Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Drug Abuse, (PACEDA), between 2018 and December, 2020 before his appointment in 2021 as NDLEA Chairman, highlighted the centrality of drugs to criminal activities including terrorism, kidnapping, and insurgency.

He said 29,400 drug users have been counselled and rehabilitated within the same period.

“In about three years, we have arrested 42,105 drug offenders, including 46 barons. We have seized no fewer than 7, 590 tons of drugs and this is worth about N800 billion”, Marwa told his audience.

Speaking further, Marwa said that NDLEA successfully prosecuted 3,412 drug offenders in 2023 alone adding that among those prosecuted, 15 drug kingpins bagged 168 years jail terms collectively.

“That is a substantial improvement over our performance in 2022.

“Notably, in 2023, we also ramped up our enforcement action against cannabis farms and carried out at least seven successful major operations, leading to the discovery and destruction of over 206 hectares of cannabis plantations,” Marwa said.

The war against substance abuse and trafficking will not be won without the support of critical stakeholders and partners, including state governments and the Federal Capital Territory administration.

The FCT NDLEA, FCT Command has accelerated its efforts intercepting 7,345.209 kilograms of illicit drugs and substances worth N125.71 million last year.

The NDLEA commander, Mr Kabir Tsakuwa told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)  that the drugs intercepted include marijuana, cocaine, diazepam, methamphetamine, rohypnol, tramadol, pentazocine, heroin, megadon, and ecstasy among others.

Giving a breakdown of the seizures, the commander said a total of 7,138.72kg of marijuana was intercepted by operatives of the agency within the period under review.

He said other drugs seized in 2023 included 0.5kg of cocaine; diazepam, 29.629kg; methamphetamine, 4.587kg; rohypnol, 5.934kg, and 133.753kg of tramadol.

Tsakuwa added that the rest of the illicit drugs intercepted were pentazocine weighing 21.727kg; heroin, 0.002kg; megadon, 0.263kg, and ecstasy, 0.134kg.

“All the illicit drugs and substances intercepted were with the street value of N125, 714, 620 million,” he said.

The NDLEA commander said 640 suspects comprising 614 males and 26 females were arrested within the period under review.

Tsakuwa said out of the number, 295 of the suspects were charged in court and 201 of them were convicted while 264 cases are pending in the Federal High Court, Abuja.

On rehabilitation, he said that within the year under review, 175 drug users were counselled and helped back into the society out of which, 172 were males and three were females.

The role of civil society organisations and faith-based organisations in the efforts to wean youths from substance abuse cannot be overemphasised. They have the capacity to reach the rural areas.

Two organisations, Vanguard Against Drug Abuse (VGADA), and Soaring Youth Foundation (SYF), are working to support 1, 000 youths to steer away from drug abuse in the FCT.

The organisations made the commitment during the flag-off of the ‘Youth Alive Drug Abuse, Sensitisation, Self-Awareness and Treatment (DASSAT) Project’ at Wumba community, in Lokogoma area of Abuja.

The project is being implemented in partnership with the National Drug law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and Shekinah International Gospel Ministry, Wumba.

Dr Hope Omeiza, the Managing Director of VGADA, said their target was to get to hard-to-reach communities and support victims who could not access and afford treatment.

“We felt it is important to get into communities like the Wumba community where we are flagging off this programme to ensure that before the end of 2024, we are able to reach 1,000 youths in Abuja,” he said.

Omeiza said that the project would involve psychological, skills acquisition and social skills programme adding that beneficiaries would undergo drug test and other drug resistance programmes and interventions to steer them away from drugs.

Mr Michael Awe, Lead Pastor, Shekinah International Gospel Ministry, said they have thrown their hat into the ring by partnering with organisations to achieve desired results.

“We have been doing it on our own, but we discover that spirituality is not enough to heal the mind of the youths from drug abuse. That is why we are partners in this rescue mission.

“We are coming together to see how we can help and empower them in such a way that they could have something tangible to do and be useful to themselves and the community,” he said. (NANfeatures)


Kano Emirship Tussle: Ribadu, Yusuf Meet in Abuja




Kano State Governor Abba Yusuf on Thursday met with National Security Adviser Mallam Nuhu Ribadu in Abuja where they discussed issues concerning the Kano Emirship  tussle.

This was contained in a statement issued by Yusuf’s Director-General, Media and Publicity, Malam Sunusi Tofa, in Kano.

Tofa said the meeting was prompted by recent events in Kano following the dissolution of five emirates and the restoration of Emir Muhammad Sanusi II.

Tofa said that the two leaders deliberated on various matters relating to state and national development as well as peaceful coexistence in the state.

Emir Ado Bayero is in court challenging the reinstatement of Emir Muhammad Sanusi  II by the Kano State government.

While Sanusi is operating from the Emir’s Palace, Bayero is holding forth at the Emir’s Guest House.

Tofa quoted Yusuf as describing the meeting as fruitful and emphasised the critical role of NSA in ensuring peace in the country.

“I briefed him on the recent developments in Kano, and we discussed ways to promote national security and development,” he Tofa quoted Yusuf as saying.

The meeting comes after the NSA was accused of meddling in the Kano crisis, which he swiftly denied.

The Kano State Deputy Governor, Alhaji Aminu Gwarzo, had apologised to the NSA for the allegation, attributing it to flawed intelligence.

The meeting coincided with Sanusi’s sixth day at the Kano palace, where a significant majority of district heads and kingmakers have pledged their allegiance to him.

The state government has assured that Kano remains peaceful and tranquil, urging residents to continue their regular activities in compliance with the laws of the land.

Sanusi Makes First Appointment amid Emirship Tussle

In as much as the controversy trailing Kano Emirate tussle continues, the 16th Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II had on Thursday made his first appointment.

This was coming barely a week after he was reinstalled as the Emir.

Sanusi, the former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, approved the appointment of a new Ward Head of Kofar Mazugal, Hamisu Sani in Dala Local Government area of the state.

The Emir called on the new ward Head to ensure peaceful coexistence among the subjects of the area and contribute his quota towards the development of the state as a whole.Earlier, district heads and personalities such as delegations from religious and market bodies paid homage to Emir Sanusi at the palace.

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Governor Mutfwang’s One Year of Refreshing Air on the Plateau




By Jude Dangwam

The collective aspirations of Plateau people as demonstrated in March 18, 2023 gubernatorial election that saw the emergence of Barr Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang as the Governor of Plateau State and further affirmed by the Supreme Court of Nigeria has clocked one year in office today.

It is obvious that Plateau people did not make a mistake in voting Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang as their leader after eight years of stagnation and leadership gap created between the people and the then All Progressives Congress (APC) administration in the state.

Since his inauguration on May 29, 2023, Governor Mutfwang has left no one in doubt as to his mission in the state- changing the narrative of Plateau to the delight of citizens of the state despite the burdens of insecurity, bankruptcy of the state inherited from the last administration of Simon Bako Lalong.

Owing to his commitment to fulfil his campaign promises has earned him the name “Talk And Do Governor” by citizens of the state..

On assumption of  office, Governor Mutfwang met a demoralised civil service on strike with four months unpaid salaries amounting to over N11 billion. This debt was cleared within few months in office and he  has continued with prompt payment of wages and gratuity of public servants.

To get workers satisfied and productive, Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang is committed to cultivating a collaborative bond with all labour unions to fortify the civil service and ensure efficient service delivery to the people of Plateau.

He has repeatedly re-echoed that payment of salaries is never an achievement but an obligation as “a labourer is worthy of his wages”, Civil servants have never had it so good since he came on board.

Interestingly, Plateau is up-to-date in the payment of salaries and also has commenced payment of pension, gratuities and death benefits arrears from 1986 to date. He has ordered for upward review of monthly pension from N5,000 to N20,000 with effect from January, 2024.

During the campaigns for election, he stood on the fact that he will not sack any worker who was duly employed in line with the civil service rule, rather he would create room for more employment, particularly of young persons.

Even for the fact that he was misconstrued for terminating the employment made by the immediate past government, he stayed true to his words and went ahead to verify the process to ensure credibility and fairness. At the completion of the verification exercise, 3,879 workers were found employable after strenuously going through the list.

Governor Mutfwang has shown human face and determined to empower Plateau youths irrespective of faith, ethnic and political affiliation. He has injected the new workers into the service for efficient service delivery to the development of Plateau.

These are interesting scenarios taken into account that government after another has come and gone without any of them taking the gauntlet to address the issue. Over the years, many pensioners have taken ill, while some have died as they waited for their pension and gratuities.

He has also implemented hazard allowances for medical doctors, nurses and health workers, coupled with his interventions for the accreditation of courses mainly in the state owned tertiary institutions. No wonder, he has been adjudged by the Nigeria Labour Congress as civil servant friendly-Governor.

His harmonious working relationship with leaders of joint unions was cultivated in the interest of peace and development of Plateau. No wonder, he has taken time to meet with the unions’ leadership to explain position of government regarding these critical areas.

Governor Mutfwang in an effort to motivate the civil service, has continued with the implementation of N30,000 minimum wage and an approval of N12,000 to each civil servant as palliative for fuel subsidy removal.

Knowing that the state is noted for agricultural production, he has prepared well for the farmers generally. He has secured over 200 trucks of fertilizers and distributed at subsidized  rates  to farmers in the state.

Aware that some communities are being invaded by armed bandits, and as such  might find  difficulty in accessing their farms, the governor has not lost sleep to ensure that security is available to protect farmers in their communities to enable them sustain agricultural productivity..

Apart from the distribution of grains and other household items for indigent citizens in the state, Governor Mutfwang has procured 15 luxurious buses designated for strategic routes within the state to ease cost of transportation for citizens. He has resuscitated the moribund rail transport system within Jos- Bukuru  Metropolis. All these was to boost the state’s economy and improve the standard of living of the people.

On infrastructure in the state, despite facing huge security challenges and legal disputes that initially hindered the smooth commencement of his administration, Barr Mutfwang, has remained steadfast in addressing the state’s challenges and delivering democratic dividends across all sectors of the economy. 

Mutfwang, the workaholic governor has remained the people’s hero by setting up construction sites all over the state. Having met most roads in some parts of the metropolis in a total state of disrepair, he initiated action to take those head on by fixing them almost at the same time. By that singular action, his name would for long remain on the lips of the people of the state; who have always identified with the government that works for them.

Few days after the Supreme Court victory, the governor mobilized several construction companies to some of the most important projects, which were started by former Governor Jonah David Jang but abandoned by Governor Simon Bako Lalong’s government in 2015 to the end of his eight- year tenure.

The lead was instructive, forge ahead and concentrate on developing the state at all cost, without minding if he had any case in court at all. For starters, he became governor during one of the toughest times in the history of the state.

Muscled from all sides by a determined opposition to wrest power from the ruling APC and the genocidal attacks, which became more pronounced in his local government of birth, Mangu would have slowed his resolve to be the leader the state needed.

Within one year in office, Governor Mutfwang has demonstrated resilience, commitment and strong leadership qualities that endeared him to Plateau people. He is marching forward towards uniting Plateau people across the divides of faith and ethnicity. He is building a united and prosperous Plateau that is the dream of all.

The Governor has embarked on the transformation of the state capital with the Metropolitan city wearing a new look with various road networks as well as the introduction of monthly sanitation which was long forgotten.

The Plateau State Environmental and Sanitation Agency (PEPSA) and Jos Metropolitan Development Board (JMDB) through instrumentality of the Executive Order 003 has embarked on total overhaul of the Jos – Bukuru Metropolis to reclaim it’s original Master Plan towards a beautiful city that was known before.

Various shanties, street traders at the Central Business area of Taminus and Bukuru market, traffic control especially within the metropolitan city has vanished with stiffer penalties giving birth to fresh air in the state capital.

The General Manager of the Jos Metropolitan Development Board JMDB Arch Hart Bankat had earlier disclosed that violators of traffic rules will face strict penalties, including fines and vehicle impoundment as they implement the Executive Order 003.

“We believe that by enforcing this executive order, we can improve the quality of life for all residents of Plateau State and create a safe and organized urban environment. We urge all residents to cooperate with the authorities and adhere to the provisions of Executive Order No. 003, 2024” he stated. 

Inline with open and transparent governance, the Mutfwang administration in fulfilment of his commitment to accountability to the electorate that overwhelmingly voted him into office, the Governor approved a Ministerial briefing for all Commissioners to give their scorecards before the people of Plateau State.

The Ministerial briefing led by the Commissioner for Information and Communication, Hon Musa Ashoms is aimed at holding government accountable by citizens.

Ashoms noted that the civil service is the engine room of government where various bureaucracy of government takes place towards the translation of government policies and programs into physical look to be felt by citizens.

“You can be sure that a lot of the paper work takes place in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) before the physical manifestation of such efforts. Today, we behold the first set of these MDAs that will provide insights into what the administration has done in its first year. 

“This gesture highlights his readiness to provide the tonic for the reactivation of the machinery of government in all of its departments. It is this attitude that drives the vigorous activities across various sectors and across the state, turning it into a huge project site for massive infrastructural development and an incubator for robust public policy initiatives.”

The Governor has sponsored 540 out of 1,232 pilgrims from Plateau for this year’s Hajj to Saudi Arabia for the annual religious rituals after clearing a backlog of N155million for deposits for  intending Pilgrims’ that was misused by the previous administration of Simon Bako Lalong.

The Executive Secretary of the Plateau State Muslim Pilgrim Welfare Board, Alhaji Daiyabu Dauda disclosed that without the intervention of the Governor, the 2024 Hajj wouldn’t have been a success story.

“Hajj is one of the fifth pillars of Islam which is prescribed upon every Muslim who has the privilege and freedom to embark on it once in their lifetime.

“Without the approval and release of N155 million funds to clear the inherited backlog, many of the intending Pilgrims could not have been here today for the 2024 Hajj.

“The State government secured a Bank loan of N2 billion to enable the Board obtained the needed number of Hajj slots from the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) before the intending Pilgrims from the state made their deposits.

“The State Government has been paying the interest on the loan. We have paid about N1.6 billion now, is just N4 million left, which by the grace of God we will clear after we return,” he explained 

The one year developmental stride by the Mutfwang administration has impressed even the opposition party – APC in the state as stated by the factional  state Chairman Hon. Ishaya Itse. Putting party differences aside he said  the performance of Governor Caleb Mutfwang of the PDP could  not be compared to the first four years of his party in the last administration.

“As APC Chairman in the state, I am in a vantage position to educate people on  the achievements of my party the APC. Sorry to reveal that the one year in office under governor Lalong. Our celebration was practically paper work not practical for the citizens of the state to see as it is in the case of the Mutfwang’s administration that you can see, feel and touch.

“The time for politicking is over, now is time to give the dividend of democracy to the people of Plateau State who queued under the scorching sun to elect leaders they thought would savage them from poverty and other inhuman vices,” he stated.

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Benue: Reflections On Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia’s One Year In Office. 




By  Attah Ede

May 29 marks one year anniversary of the the Tinubu-led administration at the centre. In most of the states too, Governors have rolled out drums to celebrate their first year in office. Despite the change in the date of celebration, elected officials still consider the period to reflect on their performances and achievements in office within the  period.

In the  case of Benue State, a catholic  priest, Reverend Father Hyacinth Alia was sworn in as the fifth democratically elected Governor on May 29th, 2023, where he brought his priestly acumen with the democratic tenet to change the way politics is being played in the State.

It is appropriate to state  the fact that  Rev. Fr. Alia is making the people take ownership of the politics and the governance process in the state. He has detached himself from those he considered had the tendency to exert undue influence on him to the detriment of  his effectiveness in the official discharge of his duties and responsibilities in office. 

The Governor under one year, has no doubt taken the path that will forever ensure that his name is written in gold as he is using the instrumentality of government to refocus the critical sectors of the economy that affect the lives of the people.

He has given impetus to the execution of numerous projects in developing a new Benue State within just one year of his administration.

In one year, Rev. Fr. Alia has demonstrated a glowing capacity as a performing Governor who has etched his name in the Hall of fame as his development agenda knows no bound in the State.

His credible leadership strides are strategic for everyone to see across the State.  The Alia administration has been impactful in the delivery of infrastructure, thus making him a performer and a leader loved by the people, which has earned him so many awards both nationally and internationally.

The Reverend gentleman on assumption of office rolled-out his administration’s manifesto tagged “seven- point agenda”. The seven-point agenda is a  developmental plan to guide the progress towards the Renewed Hope  Agenda of the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led government in Nigeria.

The initiation of new projects that are critical to the development of the State, and the putting in place of a robust feedback mechanism towards improving the quality of lives of the people as well as the strengthening of investment in economic and human capital for sustainable development is part of the governor’s policy.

Though faced with myriad of challenges ranging from unpaid salaries and pensions left by the previous administration, herdsmen invasion, over-bloated wage bill and dwindling economy amongst others, the governor has made modest achievements in spite of the daunting challenges.

Consequently, the seven-point agenda is anchored on the security of lives and property; agriculture and rural development; commerce and industry; human capital and social development; infrastructure and environment; information and communications technology; and political and economic governance. 

The Governor  said that Benue people were waiting for Hope and Renewed hope for  that matter and assured that “Benue hope is here”.

One year after assumption of office, it is obvious that the Alia-led administration is making significant progress in its determination to transform the state  to greater heights. 

The governor’s continued provision of infrastructure, such as roads, security, electricity and other critical facilities that remain the bedrock for attracting investors as well as reducing rural – urban migration, enhancing gender quality  and  strengthening the public private partnership is what the Alia administration is known for.

In the last twelve months, the provision of the enabling business environment for attracting development partners, domestic and foreign investors as well as maintenance of peace and security have equally taken  the center stage of his Government.

His government has been instrumental to changing the life and face of ordinary people particularly civil servants and pensioners through welfarist and visionary programs within the last one year.  

His government has also initiated a continuous capacity development scheme for all civil servants in the state. The aim is to enhance productivity and optimal performance.

Since coming on board, the governor has been consistent in the payment of salaries and pensions. Under his administration, every civil servant including teachers and pensioners receive salary and pension as from 23rd –  25th of every month. This singular act has greatly improved the livelihoods of Benue people.The workers have already nicknamed “Mr 25th”in appreciation of the commitment to early payment of salaries and pensions.

Now, retirees receive his or her payment of gratuities at 100% upon retirement within one month, unlike the previous administration that do not care about the plight of workers and the senior citizens.

The governor in the  period under review, awarded contracts and mobilised  contractors to site for the construction of 16 strategic roads within Makurdi metropolis. Some of the roads have  been completed and  are already being used by commuters. 

He has extended the road construction projects to Katsina-Ala, Gboko, Konshisha, Vandeikya and Otukpo  as well as other parts of the State. The aim is to ease the movement of people, goods, and services to facilitate social and economic growth. 

Only recently, the governor announced that his administration would  award contracts for the construction of 50 roads across the state to be completed in the next 12 months.

Again, his administration has commenced construction of  underpasses at high level area in the state capital Makurdi and in Gboko, the traditional headquarters of Tiv nation.

 On the day of his birthday celebration, May 18, the governor equally announced that his government would soon commence construction of similar flyover in Otukpo, the headquarters of the Benue south senatorial district of the State.

To provide a befitting environment that will attract positive outcome in terms of providing quality legislature, the governor awarded contract for the reconstruction and modernization of the Benue State House of Assembly Complex with modern facilities, alongside the assembly Clinic with state-of-the-art amenities to ensure quality healthcare for the  lawmakers and the  assembly staff.

Furthermore, in the education sector, as a catalyst for development of the State, Rev Father Hyacinth Alia  embarked on major reforms, which have led to the improvement of teaching and learning.

 In a bid to strengthen the educational system in the State, he created a new office  called Bureau of State Quality Assurance Agency in addition to the already existing State Ministry of Education. The agency is saddled with the responsibility of carrying out strict supervision and monitoring of schools to ensure total commitment to quality and excellence standard of education in the State.

To make public schools more attractive and  reduce the burden from parents and guardians in line with his policy thrust, Governor Alia paid for examination fees for all students in government-approved public secondary schools in the state sitting for the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council (NECO) examinations, respectively. 

This is beside the  reopening of the School of Nursing, Makurdi, which was earlier shut down by the previous administration and affiliated  to the Benue State University  for the award of degrees in Nursing. The administration of Governor Hyacinth Alia saw the need to have a nursing institution that affords people of the State the opportunity  to obtain diploma and other certificate courses, hence his decision to reopen the school.

He had also reawakened the reintroduction of the Medical Bond Scheme for medical students of the School of Health Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi, by approving monthly stipends of about N150,000 per student.

His administration also approved the payment of N100,000 monthly allowances for each Doctor-Corps member serving in Benue State, as well as increasing the monthly allowances of all other corps members posted to  the state by N15,000 monthly.

Under his administration there has been massive engagement of the teeming youth in meaningful ventures and creating employment for them. For instance, 10,000 Benue youths are currently being sponsored by government to undergo training on ICT  in collaboration with tech giants Google and Microsoft. This is a deliberate efforts  to make  them become self-reliant.

In a bid to boost entrepreneurship and alleviate poverty in the state, Alia administration established the Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation Bureau, as well as the Benue State International Cooperation and Development Bureau.

It is on that strength  that his government concluded  plan to hold an economic summit in partnership with some foreign investors, particularly the Chinese investors by November 2024, with a view to  establish an economic city that could attract at least 50 companies to boost various market activities for industrialisation to thrive in the state and create job opportunities for the teeming unemployed youths in the State.

Alia succeeded in lobbying the FG to successfully launched the Expanded National MSME Clinic in the State, marking the first stop on a nationwide journey to empower small and medium sized businesses.

During the launch of the Expanded National MSME Clinic in Makurdi, Vice President Kashim Shettima announced ambitious plans to support MSMEs nationwide. The event showcased the government’s dedication to fostering a thriving MSME ecosystem and emphasized the importance of these businesses in job creation and economic development.

Furthermore,  Governor Alia’s robust engagements with authorities in the seat of power in Abuja has led to the FG’s presence in the state, providing regular interventions through humanitarian services by donor organizations, to  alleviate the suffering of IDPs and assist security operations.

His administration has initiated so many plans with relevant stakeholders in emergency management to ensure  the resettlement of IDPs and make them to their respective ancestral homes.

Under Governor Alia, a landmark was achieved by his administration with the construction of Housing  Estate for high and low income earners in the State  by Benue Investment and Property Company(BIPC) . It will be a master piece when completed.

Similarly, a transport scheme for inter-city routes at subsidized price is another plus for the Alia administration. Towards this end, the governor procured 100 buses for the State -owned transport outfit-Benue Links Limited. 

At the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi, Fr. Alia installed solar power and provided 33 kVA for constant electricity supply.

He immediately opened  the Muhammadu Buhari Mother and Child Hospital for service to boost healthcare delivery in the state. The MBMCH was built, equipped by FG and donated to the State government with the aim of reducing the maternal mortality rate and offering prompt and almost free services to women and children below the age of 5 but was abandoned by the previous administration. 

 Alia was the first governor in Nigeria to implement the Revised Medical Residency Training Fund (MRTF) 2023 for resident doctors at the revised rate and reintroduced the Medical Bond Scheme for medical students of the School of Health Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi, by approving monthly stipends of about N150,000 per student.

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