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Tinubu’s 2024 Budget Speech:  Budget of Renewed Hope




1.             In furtherance of my sacred duties and obligations as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, it is my honour to be here today to present my administration’s 2024 Budget Proposal to this Joint Session of the 10th National Assembly.

This moment is especially profound and significant to me because it is my first annual budgetary presentation to the National Assembly.

2.             Distinguished Senators and Honourable Members of the National Assembly, I commend your swift consideration and passage of the 2023 Supplementary Appropriation Bills and the 2024-2026 Medium Term Expenditure Framework and Fiscal Strategy Paper.

Your prompt action underscores your devotion to economic development and to the greater welfare of our people. It also highlights your desire to work in close collaboration with the Executive branch. We do not serve ourselves. We must always strive to work together to serve and benefit the people of our beloved country.  

3.             I am confident that the National Assembly will continue to work closely with us to ensure that deliberations on the 2024 Budget are thorough but also concluded with reasonable dispatch. Our goal is for the Appropriation Act to come into effect on the 1st of January 2024.

4.             It is, by now, a matter of recorded history that my very first fiscal intervention as President of this great nation was to end the fuel subsidy regime which had proven to be so harmful to the overall health of our national economy. The second was to negotiate and subsequently present a supplementary budget to enable my government to fund the items needed to restore macro-economic stability and mitigate the harsh impact of subsidy removal. 

5.             The third was to secure a second supplementary budget, this time to enable us to keep our promises to promote national security, invest in infrastructure and provide much needed support to the most vulnerable households in our society.

6.             In swearing-in my cabinet and reflecting on the unique challenges facing us, I invited the Ministers to imagine that we are attempting to draw water from a dry well. Today, I stand before you to present our Budget of Renewed Hope; a budget which will go further than ever before in cementing macro-economic stability, reducing the deficit, increasing capital spending and allocation to reflect the eight priority areas of this Administration. The budget we now present constitutes the foundation upon which we shall erect the future of this great nation.  


7.             Economic conditions remain challenging both abroad and at home. Despite lingering Post-Covid supply and production bottlenecks, armed conflict in various parts of the world and restrictive monetary policies in major economies, we expect global growth to hover around 3.0 percent in 2024. This relative low rate has significant implications for our economy due to our current reliance on importation.  

8.             Distinguished Senators, Honourable Members: despite the global headwinds, the Nigerian economy has proven resilient, maintaining modest but positive growth over the past twelve months. 

9.             Inflation has trended upward due to weak global conditions. To contain the rising domestic prices, we will ensure effective coordination of fiscal and monetary policy measures, and collaborate with sub-national governments to address structural factors driving inflation in Nigeria. 

10.         The Budget proposal meets our goal of completing critical infrastructure projects which will help address structural problems in the economy by lowering the costs of doing business for companies and the cost of living for the average person,  The Honourable Minister of Budget and Economic Planning will provide full details of this proposal.


11.         Distinguished Senators and Honourable Members, an aggregate revenue of 11.045 trillion nairawas projected to fund the 2023 Budget of 24.82 trillion naira with a deficit of about 6.1 percentof GDP. 

12.         As of September 30, the Federal Government’s actual aggregate revenue inflow was 8.65 trillion naira, approximately 96 percent of the targeted 8.28 trillion naira

13.         Despite the challenges, we continue to meet our obligations. 


14.          Distinguished Senators, Honourable Members, permit me to highlight key issues relating to the budget proposals for the next fiscal year. The 2024 Appropriation has been themed the Budget of Renewed Hope. The proposed Budget seeks to achieve job-rich economic growth, macro-economic stability, a better investment environment, enhanced human capital development, as well as poverty reduction and greater access to social security.

15.          Defence and internal security are accorded top priority. The internal security architecture will be overhauled to enhance law enforcement capabilities and safeguard lives, property and investments across the country.

16.          Human capital is the most critical resource for national development. Accordingly, the budget prioritizes human development with particular attention to children, the foundation of our nation.  

17.          To improve the effectiveness of our budget performance, government will focus on ensuring value for money, greater transparency and accountability. In this regard, we will work more closely with  development partners and the private sector. 

18.          To address long-standing issues in the education sector, a more sustainable model of funding tertiary education will be implemented, including the Student Loan Scheme scheduled to become operational by January 2024.

19.          A stable macro-economic environment is important to catalyse private investment and accelerate economic growth. We have and shall continue to implement business and investment friendly measures for sustainable growth.

20.          We expect the economy to grow by a minimum of 3.76 percent, above the forecasted world average. Inflation is expected to moderate to 21.4 percent in 2024. 

21.          In preparing the 2024 Budget, our primary objective has been to sustain our robust foundation for sustainable economic development. A critical focus of this budget and the medium term expenditure framework is Nigeria’s commitment to a greener future. 

22.          Emphasizing public-private partnerships, we have strategically made provisions to leverage private capital for big-ticket infrastructure projects in energy, transportation and other sectors. This marks a critical step towards diversifying our energy mix, enhancing efficiency, and fostering the development of renewable energy sources. By allocating resources to support innovative and environmentally conscious initiatives, we aim to position Nigeria as a regional leader in the global movement towards clean and sustainable energy.

23.          As we approach COP 28 climate summit, a pivotal moment for global climate action, I have directed relevant government agencies to diligently work towards securing substantial funding commitments that will bolster Nigeria’s energy transition. 

24.          It is imperative that we seize this opportunity to attract international partnerships and investments that align with our national goals. I call upon our representatives to engage proactively to showcase the strides we have made in the quest to create an enabling environment for sustainable energy projects. 

25.          Together, we will strive for Nigeria to emerge from COP 28 with tangible commitments, reinforcing our dedication to a future where energy is not only a catalyst for development but also a driver of environmental stewardship. 

26.         Distinguished members of the National Assembly, the revised 2024-2026 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) sets out the parameters for the 2024 Budget. 

27.         After a careful review of developments in the world oil market and domestic conditions, we have adopted a conservative oil price benchmark of 77.96 US Dollars per barrel and daily oil production estimate of 1.78 million barrels per day. We have also adopted a Naira to US Dollar exchange rate of 750 naira per US Dollar for 2024. 

28.         Accordingly, an aggregate expenditure of 27.5 trillion naira is proposed for the Federal Government in 2024, of which the non-debt recurrent expenditure is 9.92 trillion naira while debt service is projected to be 8.25 trillion naira and capital expenditure is 8.7 trillion naira

29.         Nigeria remains committed to meeting its debt obligations. Projected debt service is 45% of the expected total revenue. 

30.         Budget deficit is projected at 9.18 trillion naira in 2024 or 3.88 percent of GDP. This is lower than the 13.78 trillion naira deficit recorded in 2023 which represents 6.11 percent of GDP. 

31.         The deficit will be financed by new borrowings totalling 7.83 trillion naira, 298.49 billion nairafrom Privatization Proceeds and 1.05 trillion naira drawdown on multilateral and bilateral loans secured for specific development projects.

32.         Our government remains committed to broad-based and shared economic prosperity. We are reviewing social investment programmes to enhance their implementation and effectiveness. In particular, the National Social Safety Net project will be expanded to provide targeted cash transfers to poor and vulnerable households. In addition, efforts will made to graduate existing beneficiaries toward productive activities and employment. 

33.         We are currently reviewing our tax and fiscal policies. Our target is to increase the ratio of revenue to GDP from less than 10 percent currently to 18 percent within the term of this Administration. Government will make efforts to further contain financial leakages through effective implementation of key public financial management reforms. 

34.         Distinguished Senators and Honourable Members, in view of the limited resources available through the federal budget, we are also exploring Public Private Partnership arrangements to finance critical infrastructure.

35.         We, therefore, invite the private sector to partner with us to ensure that our fiscal, trade and monetary policies, as well as our developmental programs and projects succeed in unlocking the latent potential of our people and other natural endowments, in line with our national aspirations.

36.         Distinguished Senators and Honourable Members, this Budget presentation would be incomplete without commending the patriotic resolve of the 10th National Assembly to collaborate with the Executive on our mission to renew hope and deliver on our promises to the Nigerian people. I assure you of the strong commitment of the Executive to sustain and deepen the relationship with the National Assembly. 

37.         As you consider the 2024 Budget estimates, we trust that the legislative review process will be conducted with a view to sustaining our desired return to a predictable January-December fiscal year. 

38.         I have no doubt that you will be guided by the interest of all Nigerians. We must ensure that only projects and programs with equitable benefits are allowed into the 2024 Budget. Additionally, only projects and programs which are in line with the sectoral mandates of MDAs and which are capable of realizing the vision of our Government should be included in the budget. 

39.         As a Government, we are committed to improving the lot of our people and delivering on our promises to them. The 2024 Budget has the potential to boost performance, promote the development of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, enhance security and public safety, and improve the general living conditions of our people. 

40.         In closing, I am confident that these budgetary allocations and directives will set Nigeria on a transformative path towards a sustainable and resilient energy future, fostering economic growth, job creation, and environmental preservation.

41.         It is with great pleasure, therefore, that I lay before this distinguished Joint Session of the National Assembly, the 2024 Budget Proposals of the Federal Government of Nigeria, titled The Renewed Hope Budget.

42.         I thank you most sincerely for your attention. May we collectively chart the course towards a brighter and cleaner future for our great nation.

43.         May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Delivered By: His Excellency, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR

President, Federal Republic of Nigeria At the Joint Session of the National Assembly, Abuja

Wednesday, November  29, 2023


Selloffs in Banking Stocks Dip Market Capitalisation by N68bn




The Nigerian Exchange Ltd. (NGX) market capitalisation declined further on Wednesday by 0.12 per cent or N68 billion, following selloffs in Tier-one banking stocks.

The market capitalisation, which opened at N56.898 trillion, closed at N56.830 trillion.

The All-Share Index also shed 0.

12 per cent or 121 points to settle at 100,365.
17, compared to 100,486.12 recorded on Tuesday.

Consequently, the Year-To-Date (YTD) return declined to 34.

23 per cent.

Sell pressure in FBN Holdings, Guaranty Trust Holding Company (GTCO), United Bank of Africa (UBA), Access Corporation, Fidelity, among other declined equities, were the main drivers of the negative performance.

Meanwhile, the market breadth closed negative with 21 losers and 18 gainers on the floor of the Exchange.

Secure Electronic Technology Plc led the losers’ chart by 9.43 per cent to close at 48k, RT Briscoe followed by 8.22 per cent to close at 67k per share.

UBA lost 5.07 per cent to close at N21.22, Livestock shed 4.56 per cent to close N2.30, United Capital dropped 4.27 per cent to close at N37 per share.

On the other hand, International Breweries and Sovereign Trust Insurance led the gainers’ chart by 10 per cent each to close at N4.07 and 55k per share respectively.

Deap Capital Management and Trust Plc gained 9.80 per cent to close at 56k, The Initiative Plc rose by 7.50 per cent to close at N2.15.

FCMB appreciated by 5.26 per cent to close at eight Naira per share.

On market activities, trade turnover settled higher relative to the previous session, with the value of transactions up by 137.35 per cent.

A total of 497.84 million shares valued at N8.61 billion were exchanged in 8,412 deals, against, 280.92 million shares valued at N3.63 billion  exchanged in 8,403 deals posted in the previous session.

First City Monument Bank(FCMB) led the activity chart in volume with 133.92 million shares valued at N1.4 billion, Access Corporation followed by 72.82 million shares worth N1.41 billion.

Zenith Bank sold 60.06 million shares worth N2.19 billion to lead the chart in value, UBA transacted 29.08 million shares valued at N639.55 million and Universal Insurance traded 22.92 million shares worth N7.68 million. (NAN)

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Bankable Projects will Empower Youth, Women in Agriculture – Speaker




The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Tajudeen Abbas, says Nigeria can empower youth and women in Agriculture with the development and implementation of bankable business proposals.

Abbas said this at the Second Interactive Session and Workshop on Developing Bankable Business Proposals/Business Plans for Youths and women in Agriculture on Monday in Abuja.

The Speaker, who was represented by his Deputy, Rep.

Benjamin Kalu, said youth and women are the most vital demographics in the society.

The event was organised by the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group.

While acknowledging the bank and its partners for their contribution and interventions in the sector, Abbas said the need to diversify Nigeria’s economy could not be over emphasised.

According to him, our over-reliance on oil as primary resource has become neither sustainable nor profitable as the global community shifts towards greener, more sustainable energy sources.

“This reality makes it not just necessary, but urgent for us to explore and invest in alternative sectors.

“By focusing on developing and implementation of bankable business proposals, we can empower our youth and our women, to become key players in these sectors.

“Their active participation is not only essential for economic diversification, but also for ensuring food security and sustainable development through agriculture and technological advancements through high safety,” he said.

Abbas recognised AfDB’s hi-5 priorities to empower, feed, industrialise, integrate and improve the quality of life for the people of Africa.

He expressed the commitment of the legislators to support youth and women development through various projects and programmes.

He urged for more collaboration of the AfDB and other stakeholders to advance initiatives that could drive significant progress in the country and across the continent.

“Through this, we will certainly build a better, more resilient future for Nigeria and for the world,” he said.

Earlier, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari, said any workable concept on youth and women in agriculture would contribute to sustainable agricultural development across the continent.

Kyari said the country was committed to work closely with bilateral and multilateral development partners, in advancing the engagement of youth and women in agriculture.

“Notably, agriculture remains the singular sector with the highest potential for mass job creation.
Youth participation will further bridge the gap for aging farm population.

“It will take development back to the rural communities, cause a significant improvement in production and overall productivity and offer a veritable platform to accentuate the poverty reduction drive of government,” he said.

Kyari said President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda for Food Security was poised to change the narrative of agriculture of a way of life.

“And agriculture as a wealth creating sector with sustainable, marketable, and bankable business prospects for youth and women engagement.’’

Similarly, the Minister of Youth Development, Dr Jamila Ibrahim, said it was crucial to build capacity of youth and women to see agricultural beyond subsistent but as an enterprise.

Ibrahim expressed the commitment of the ministry to work with stakeholders to co-create initiatives to support women and youth.

“We are open to working with partners to strengthen what we are doing. By doing so, we will build a brighter future for Nigeria,” she said.

For the Minister of Communications, innovation and Digital Economy, Dr Bosun Tijani, innovation is key to solve most challenges we face in Nigeria and the continent.

Tijani said that this innovation could not be done without including the young people including women, thus the need to invest in them.

Also speaking the Director-General, West Africa Region of AfDB, Mr Lamin Barrow, said the event was part of activities to celebrate the bank’s 60 years anniversary.

According to the director-general, Africa’s progress will be driven by young dynamic workforce, thus the importance to boost investment in them.(NAN)

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SEC Approves Commencement of Access Holdings N351bn Rights Issue 




The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved the commencement of the N351 billion rights issue capital raising programme of Access Holdings Plc.

A statement made available by the Holdings to newsmen on Sunday in Lagos confirmed this.

The group said that the approval marked a significant milestone in its previously announced capital raising programme, which aimed to generate up to $1.

5 billion.

It also said that the rights issue was strategically structured to boost Access Holdings’ financial position and support ongoing working capital needs.

According to the holdings, the programme will also provide funding for organic growth across its banking and non-banking subsidiaries.

“The approved rights issue offers 17,772,612,811 ordinary shares of N0.50 each at a price of N19.75 per share.

“The offer will be issued on the basis of one new ordinary share for every two existing ordinary shares held as of June 7, 2024,” it said.

The lead issuing house for Access Holdings’ rights issue is Chapel Hill Denham Advisory Ltd., while Atlas Registrars Ltd. will serve as the Registrars to the offer.

The offer will open on July 8 and close on Aug. 14.

It noted that the rights circular would be distributed to shareholders by Atlas Registrars Ltd., and application forms would also be available on its various websites.

The holding company advised its shareholders to contact their stockbrokers for more details about the offer.

Access Holdings said that it remained committed to its strategic vision of expanding its footprint and delivering exceptional value to all its stakeholders.

It noted that the successful execution of the rights Issue would further solidify the group’s position as a leading financial services provider in Africa and beyond.(NAN)

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