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Buhari Approves 50 Volunteers For Liberia




By Mathew Dadiya, Abuja

President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Monrovia, Liberia said that Nigeria will this year provide 50 volunteers in the field of education and health to support Liberia addresse its challenges in those field. 

This, the President said would be done through the nation’s Technical Assistance Programme.


President Buhari also assured that the continent’s largest nation was also prepared to deploy additional volunteers in the other fields, in order to contribute to the capacity building in Liberia.

Buhari who conveyed the felicitations of Nigerians to their brothers in Liberia, said “Today represents yet another significant milestone in the life of the brotherly nation of Liberia.


“Nigerians rejoice with all Liberians on this momentous occasion. It is a matter of pride that Liberia, the first country in Africa to gain its Independence, has successfully preserved its unity and cohesion, despite the tragic events that culminated in an unfortunate civil war.

“I am here to celebrate with you this remarkable achievement while at the same time recalling the enormous contributions and sacrifices made by Nigeria in your recent history.”

The Nigerian leader further assured Liberians of continued support of the country to its development: “As Liberia sustains its notable efforts towards economic recovery, I wish to assure you of Nigeria’s commitment to continue to partner with the country, for all possible assistance with a view to making our modest contributions that will positively impact on the security and economic well-being of the Liberian people.

Speaking on Nigerian experience, the president explained that having realised the futility in continuing to subject the Nigerian economy to the vagaries of  its mono-product dependence, his administration has instituted policies aimed at diversifying the national economy which were yielding positive results.

He added that the Economic and Recovery Growth Plan launched by his administration in 2017 was creating  the enabling environment for growth, security and economic revival.

“Our government had to adopt appropriate measures including diversification and reforms to address such underlying causes exemplified by our continued dependence on a single-commodity, crude oil, lack of fiscal buffers, leakages, corruption and high governance costs.

“Furthermore, in our efforts to stimulate the economy, our government initiated bold policy interventions that are beginning to yield positive results,”he stated.

Buhari, who was honoured at Liberia’s 172nd Independence Anniversary occasion with the country’s highest award, the “Most Venerable Order of the Knighthood of the Pioneers of the Republic of Liberia with Grade of the Knight Grand Cordon”, said he accepted it ” on behalf of all Nigerians and as a tribute to all our country men who paid the supreme price in aid of Liberia’s unity and stability.”

He also thanked the Government and people of Liberia and expressed his resolve to continue to strengthen cooperation within the sub region.

Buhari added that,  “This gesture can only strengthen my resolve to rededicate myself to the service of my country, work for the prosperity of our people in the sub-region.”

The President likened the Liberian economic situation to what obtained in Nigeria when he assumed office in 2015 and praised the administration of President George Weah for its social intervention programme.

He told President George Weah that, “I am fully aware that on assumption of office, your country was experiencing severe economic challenges occasioned by the fall in commodity prices, the main source of revenue for Liberia. This situation is akin to what I inherited on my election in 2015. That was a difficult period for the Nigerian economy which later lapsed into recession.”

He commended Weah’s leadership and vision for initiating since coming to office, people oriented projects and programmes including the “Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development” (PAPD) launched in 2018.

“I am convinced that this well-articulated programme which is quite similar to our Government’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan 2017-2020, if well implemented, could bring the desired transformation and sustainable development to Liberia.”

The President encouraged his Liberian counterpart to take decisive actions to further stimulate the economy of the country:  “Mr. President, Liberia under your leadership may wish to learn from our experience by taking courageous steps to diversify its economic base by developing the productive sector that would complement earnings from rubber, iron ore and the increasingly dwindling funds from Development Partners.

“In this regard, the need for proper management of human resources and investment in agriculture, solid minerals and other sectors such as tourism where the country has comparative advantage, cannot be overstated.”

Meanwhile, the Ambassador of Nigeria to Liberia, Mer. James Dimka told newsmen that the what was deserving because, “We have done what no other African President has done to the country.  We have had close relations (Nigeria and Liberia) and this has only strengthen our relations. Liberia was in war for 14 years and the major country that stood by them was Nigeria. Our military just left this country about a month  ago. At some point the United Nations, ECOWAS were but Nigeria stayed till the end.

“And so you will recognize that there is a strong relations between Nigeria and Liberia.”

Governor Kayode Fayemi of Ekiti said, Nigeria has sacrificed so much for the country even though Liberia is older going by flag independence record. 

He said: “Nigeria has done a lot to keep Liberia one. This is the first country we sent the first ECOMOG to and several Nigerians lost their lives to. Uptil very recently, a Nigerian, Gen. Abdulrahman was Chief of Defence Staff  here and he lost his life in the course of serving this country. Before him other Nigerians headed their military, Gen Obiakor was the head of mission. I spent sometime here on the flip side of the conflict as the mediator and negotiator in the difficult days here. President Obasanjo was critical in the management of the conflict and President Buhari followed on in that capacity and he is still doing a lot for peace in West Africa as Chairman of ECOWAS.

“So, it is a fitting and proper honour done to him and by extension to all of us in Nigeria. Because, somethings Nigerians wonder why we do so much in the subregion and Africa without getting much in return. Return comes in various forms and recognizing with the highest honour in the land shows how grateful the Liberians are in the role Nigeria continues to play in the country. 

Governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe  said, the honour is for President Buhari and Nigeria considering the role he is playing in the west Africa subregion and the continent.

He said the award shows how much respect the President commands from his counterparts in the region.

The Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu said award is in recognition of all the country has done to help Liberia. 

“This country with the longest history of independence but couldn’t hold together and was helped majorly by Nigeria, with everything we had, our armed forces, resources in other to help them to remain as one united people.

“It is also in recognition of Nigeria’s support for Liberia to rebuild. He has offered 50 technical aid corp to Nigeria and has promised many more in case there is need.”

Foreign News

World Leaders React to Biden’s Withdrawal From U.S. Presidential Race




President Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to end his campaign to seek reelection in November is generating reactions from foreign leaders.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had known President Biden for years and that “He’s a great man.

“Everything he does is guided by his love for his country.

As President, he is a partner to Canadians — and a true friend.

“To President Biden and the First Lady: thank you.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in his reaction on X, said, “Joe Biden has achieved a great deal – for his country, for Europe, for the world,

“Thanks to him, transatlantic cooperation is close, NATO is strong, and the U.

S. is a good and reliable partner for us.

“His decision not to run again deserves recognition.”

Reacting in a statement, new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said, “I respect President Biden’s decision and I look forward to us working together during the remainder of his presidency.”

He added: “I know that, as he has done throughout his remarkable career, President Biden will have made his decision based on what he believes is in the best interests of the American people.”

Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant on his part thanked Biden for his unwavering support of Israel over the years.

“Your steadfast backing, especially during the war, has been invaluable.

“We are grateful for your leadership and friendship,” he added.


Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez in his comments on X said he admired “the brave and dignified decision of president @JoeBiden.

“Thanks to his determination and leadership.

“The U.S. overcame the economic crisis after the pandemic and the serious assault on the Capitol and has been exemplary in its support for Ukraine in the face of Putin’s Russian aggression.

“A great gesture from a great president who has always fought for democracy and freedom.”

Irish prime minister Simon Harris said in a statement: “On behalf of the people and government of Ireland. I … would like to thank you Mr President for your global leadership and your friendship as you make your announcement that you will not stand in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election.”

Harris who reacted in a statement added:

“Joe Biden, in all the offices he has held, has always been an unwavering voice and passionate worker for peace on the island of Ireland and our country owes him a great debt for this.”

Some of the other world leaders who reacted to Biden’s withdrawal are: Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov who in an interview with shot News outlet, said: “The elections are still four months away.

”And that is a long period of time in which a lot can change.

”We need to be patient and carefully monitor what happens.”

”The priority for us is the special military operation,” Peskov added, referring to the war in Ukraine.

Norwegian prime minister Jonas Stoere, his Polish and Czech counterparts Donald Tusk and Petr Fiala respectively reacted to Biden’s withdrawal from the U.S. presidential race. (Reuters/NAN)

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Foreign News

1 killed as Kenyan Anti-government Protests Intensify Again




At least one person was killed in renewed anti-government protests across Kenya on Tuesday, a Reuters reporter said, as police clashed with demonstrators demanding that President William Ruto step down.

Youth-led nationwide protests that broke out a month ago against proposed tax hikes have continued even after Ruto withdrew the legislation and fired almost all of his cabinet.

Activists say they want Ruto to resign and are calling for systemic changes to clean up corruption and address poor governance.

At least 50 people have been killed in the protests to date, the government-funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) said on Tuesday.

In Kitengela, a town on the southern outskirts of the capital Nairobi, police fired repeatedly in the direction of hundreds of protesters, some of whom were throwing rocks, Reuters TV footage showed.

The protesters also burned tyres, waved Kenyan flags and chanted “Ruto must go!”

A Reuters reporter saw the body of one protester lying on the ground with blood oozing from a head wound.

The national police spokesperson declined to comment.

Tuesday’s protests appeared to be some of the biggest since Ruto withdrew the tax increases on June 26.

The Nation newspaper reported demonstrations in at least 23 of Kenya’s 47 counties.

In Nairobi’s city centre, riot police fired tear gas at several dozen protesters. An ambulance service posted footage on X showing its personnel carrying away someone injured there on a stretcher.

Demonstrators in the coastal city of Mombasa waved palm fronds as they marched, while litter burned in the street, images on Kenyan television channels showed.

The protests have created the biggest crisis of Ruto’s two years in power.

With Kenya spending over 30 per cent of its revenues just paying the interest bills on its debt, he has been caught between the demands of lenders to cut deficits and a hard-pressed population reeling from rising living costs.

“Ruto is very incompetent. He has no leadership skills. He just wanted the title of president of this country,” said one protester in Nairobi who did not give his name.

“The guy is a puppet to the IMF. That is it. Whatever he’s doing, he’s doing for the IMF.”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been a major target of the ire of young Kenyan protesters, who have accused it of being the driving force behind the proposed tax hikes.

The IMF has said its main goal through its lending programmes with Kenya has been helping the country overcome economic challenges and improve its people’s well-being.

Ruto’s office had announced “multi-sectoral” talks for this week to address grievances raised by the protesters, but there was no sign they had begun.

Most of the leading activists behind the protests have rejected the invitation, instead calling for immediate action on issues like corruption.

Ruto’s spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

The protests began peacefully but later turned violent.

Some demonstrators briefly stormed parliament on June 25, and the police opened fire.

In addition to the 50 deaths, 413 people have been injured, 682 have been arbitrarily detained and 59 have been abducted or are missing in connection with the protests, KNCHR said.

Ruto has promised to investigate accusations of abuse but has broadly defended the conduct of the police and accused criminals of hijacking peaceful protests.

On Monday, he accused the Ford Foundation, an American philanthropic organisation, of sponsoring those who had caused “violence and mayhem” in Kenya, without providing evidence.

The Ford Foundation rejected the allegation, saying it did not fund or sponsor the protests and has a strictly non-partisan policy for its grant-making. (Reuters/NAN)

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Foreign News

Court Nullifies ECOWAS Commission Staff’s Dismissal




The ECOWAS Court of Justice has nullified the dismissal of Mr Momodu Cham, a former staff of the Commission, saying it breached Article 69 of the ECOWAS staff regulations.

Cham had filed the suit following his dismissal from his position as a Procurement Officer with the Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (GIABA), a specialised ECOWAS agency.

The applicant, a community citizen residing in Banjul, Gambia, had joined the Economic Commission for West African States (ECOWAS) and its President, as first and second Respondents, respectively, in the suit challenging his sack.

Delivering judgment, Justice Dupe Atoki, the Judge Rapporteur, held that the cessation of Cham’s salary by the Commission before the exhaustion of the appeal process was arbitrary, unlawful, null, and void.

According to Justice Atoki, the action of the Commission is contrary to Article 73(b) of the ECOWAS Staff Regulations.

The Court, therefore, ordered the Respondents to pay Cham his salary arrears and other entitlements from January 2021 to June 2021, as compensation.

It further ordered the Commission to pay Mr Cham’s salaries and emoluments from July to December 2021 as compensation for the unlawful dismissal.

“Requesting an on-the-spot response to charges without prior notice or an opportunity to prepare a defense violates procedural safeguards outlined in the ECOWAS Staff Regulations.

“The regulations are designed to ensure an Applicant’s rights are fully maintained until the Council’s final decision.

“Consequently, the summary dismissal of the Applicant by the 2nd Respondent breached Article 69 of the regulation.

“Therefore, the cessation of the Applicant’s salary and other emoluments after invoking the right of appeal is a violation of Article 73(b) of the ECOWAS Staff Regulations,” Justice Atoki held.

The Court, however, declined to grant any orders for mandatory injunctions against the Commission and reinstatement of the applicant .

The Applicant had contended at the trial that he was suspended on July 11, 2019, following a forensic audit report by Ernst and Young UK, which implicated him in irregularities related to the purchase of IT equipment for GIABA.

He said that on Jan. 26, 2021, he was summarily dismissed, and his salaries and emoluments were withheld in violation of the ECOWAS Staff Regulations.

Cham had prayed the court to grant him several reliefs, including a declaration that his dismissal was arbitrary, null, and void.

He also sought an order setting aside his dismissal and the immediate payment of his salary arrears and other entitlements from January 2021.

The applicant had also prayed for his reinstatement to his position as a Procurement Officer and compensation for costs incurred in prosecuting the suit.

The Respondents, in their defense, had however, maintained that the applicant was properly suspended and later dismissed following a forensic audit report and a subsequent query.

They had also argued that the dismissal was appropriate due to the allegations of gross misconduct, embezzlement, theft, fraud, and abuse of trust.

The three-member panel also had Justices Gberi-bè Ouattara, presiding, and  Sengu Mohamed Koroma, as a member.(NAN)

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