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FRSC Records 126 Road Accidents in Adamawa




By Yagana Ali, Yola.

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Command in Adamawa state has flagged up ember month campaign at the Adamawa Sunshine Motor Park in Yola, the state capital with theme for year “speed thrill but kills; drive responsibly and avoid overloading.”

FRSC cautioned road users to be careful to avoid loss of life, complaining that “this year Adamawa recorded 126 road accidents which resulted in 30 dead.

Warning drivers and commuters to adhere to safety measures, lamented that “in August alone the state recorded three partial road accidents resulting in 19 dead,” he said.

Highlight of the occasion is the presentation of flags to some dignitaries, free medical check up to drivers and a drama by a corps member of NYSC on the importance of good road usage and the need to check vehicles before going out.

In his speech the sector commander FRSC Adamawa state commander CC Yelwa Dio said the theme of this year is in line with the corporate strategic goal of the corps for the year 2023, which is targeted to accomplish 5 percent reduction in road traffic death and injuries using 2022 as baseline.

“In achieving this commitment, the corps is creating massive awareness through the ember month campaign in all nooks and crannies of the country ” he said.

The awareness program will focus on overloading violation /social distance in vehicles, speed limit violation, Tyre violation, wiper Among others.

Zonal Commander, Soloman Agure, Adamawa, Taraba Gombe who represented the National Commander, said in 2022 the command recorded more than 10,000 road accidents with over 3,000 deaths nationwide.

“This year we are determined to reduce the figure that is why we launched this ember month campaign from the state to local government areas across the state.” he said.

He also acknowledged the cordial relation with sister agencies in their effort to reduce road traffic accidents in the state.

Hon Musa Kallamu, the Commissioner for Transports who represented the governor, called on the people to avoid over speeding during the holiday season.

In his remark, chairman of occasion, Adamu Atiku who is also the Commissioner of Works, said every year ending is full of festivities and people move around the state and the country at large.


Fire Guts Commercial Building in Anambra




A commercial building at Atani Road by Uga junction in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra was gutted by fire on Friday.

Mr Chukwudi Chiketa, the Fire Chief, Anambra Fire Service, made this known to newsmen in Onitsha.

Chiketa said: “We received a distress call at about 5.

17 a. m. today and I immediately deployed our gallant firefighters to the scene of the fire incident.

“The incident occurred at the top floor of a story building inside GMO company, situated at Atani road by Uga junction, Okpoko.

“Though, the top floor of the one-storey building was affected, but there were many savings including other structures and property inside the company’s premises.

He said that the firemen were able to control the fire from escalating beyond the top floor of the building, noting that the cause of the fire had yet to be ascertained.

He encouraged residents on timely contact to fire service in any related situation as to help reduce the extent of damage before the arrival of firefighters. (NAN)

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APC Forum Seeks Return to Regional Government




The Forum of Stakeholders of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has called for the return of Nigeria to a regional system of government.

The North-Central chairman of the forum, Alhaji Saleh Zazzaga, made the call in an interview with newsmen on Friday in Jos.

According to him, a regional system would enable the government to address the needs of the people using the natural endowments, political prowess and agricultural resources in the regions.

He said that the regional system of government would address the  marginalisation of the north-central region, adding that the current system was not taking care of the people’s needs.

Zazzaga said  that the north-central, in spite of its huge contributions to the nation, has suffered marginalisation on many fronts.

”Since the return of democracy in 1999, the region has contributed to the emergence of many national leaders as well as presidents, but it has been marginalised in terms of political appointments, among others.

“After careful consideration the north-central APC forum is calling for the adoption of a regional system of government,“he said.

He said that the regional system of government is a political framework where power is divided among constituent political units, such as regions or states.

”This will give the regions the opportunity to use their endowments to develop themselves without any fear of marginalization,“he said.

He said the federal government will still be responsible for national security, foreign affairs and the regulation of inter-state or inter-region commerce.

Zazzaga urges party leaders in other regions to support the move for the return to regional system of government in the country.(NAN)

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New National Anthem will Promote Brotherhood, Equity—CSO




Mr Olumuyiwa Olede, Executive Director, Citizens Awareness Against Corruption and Social Vices Initiative (CAACSVI) says the reverse to the old National Anthem will promote, justice and equality in the country.

Olede said this during an interview on Friday in Abuja.

According to him, the 2014 National Conference had recommended a return to the old national anthem.

“We may say the new national anthem is not necessary because of the hunger and starvation in the land.

“However, I think there is no better time for any law or policy to be implemented than whenever it is implemented.

“The new national anthem is significant, looking at the wordings I believe Nigeria is as divided today as during the colonial rule, after independence and even during the war.

“The new national anthem has a line that says though tribe or tongue may differ in brotherhood we stand’’, Olede said.

He said though Nigeria has no fewer than 250 ethnic groups speaking in distinct languages but in brotherhood those differences could be harnessed for national good.

Olede said the new national anthem expressed the desire for a country where nobody was oppressed which could not be said to be the reality in the country now.

“Today we have agitation all over the nation from south east to south west to even the northern part of the country people are agitating for one thing or the other.

“The new national anthem preaches that nobody should be oppressed, equality and justice must reign supreme. Those are the two points that make the new national anthem significant”, he said.
Elaborating on the difference between the two anthems Olede said the new national anthem was adapted after independence but the old one was introduced by the military.

“If we are agitating for a change of the 1999 constitution that was given to us by the military the same should also apply to the national anthem that was given to us by the military.

“Why not change into the one our leaders like Sir Amadu Bello, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, Akintola, Chief Awolowo, Micheal Okpara, Nnamdi Azikiwe and host of them had input’’, Olede said.

He said he was optimistic that the anthem would have positive impact on Nigerians’ psyche.

“As a leader you are supposed to look at the wordings of the new national anthem and know that though tongues and tribe may differ, justice must prevail because in brotherhood we must stand.

“We are one another’s brother’s keeper, from the three major tribes down to other tribes; everyone must have a stake in governance.

“It will awaken our leaders` conscience to their responsibilities to carry everybody along; to know that when you are elected you are not only to serve people from your ethnic divide’’, Olede told NAN.  (NAN)

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