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GJF 2024 Democracy Dialogue Calls on African Leaders to Prioritize Education.



Goodluck Ebele Jonathan

From Mike Tayese, Yenagoa

Stakeholders has called on African leaders to prioritize functional education and effective leadership toward achieving growth and development for the African continent.

This was handed down at this year 2024 Goodluck Jonathan Foundation (GJF) Democracy Dialogue held in Benin, Edo State capital.

Participants at the dialogue comprised foremost African leaders, academics, development experts, politicians, civil society groups, traditional rulers and students spoke on the need for African leaders to develop innovative educational policies that will help guarantee growth and sustainable development.

According to a press statement by the Communications Officer Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, Wealth Dickson Ominabo and made available to Daily Asset via email said, some of the dignitaries at the event were the former President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, former president of Niger, Thomas Boni Yayi, former president of Nigeria and Chairman of Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,   former Vice President of Zambia, Dr Mumba Nevers Sekwila and former vice president of Nigeria, Arch Namadi Sambo.

Others include, governor of Edo State, Godwin Obaseki,  former governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Shri Balasubramanian, Director UNDP Sub-regional Hub for West Africa, Njoya Tikum,  Acting Executive Secretary National Universities Commission (NUC), Chris Maiyaki and deputy governors of Bayelsa, Rivers, Delta, Edo, and  Bauchi.

Chairman of the occasion and former President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta in his remarks called on African leaders and policymakers to develop strategies and policies that will set the continent on a winning trajectory.

His words: “As African leaders gathered here today, let us take up this task with the seriousness that it deserves to the leaders of tomorrow.

“As a continent, we must look at our curricula in comparison with the changing global needs and embrace an education system that aims to foster critical thinking, innovation and creativity as this will bolster the continent to immeasurable heights.

“It is our task as leaders of this great continent, to empower our youth with the tools that will shape and prepare them to be great and active participants in the global economy.

“We must therefore intentionally invest in education to ensure inclusivity, diversity and equal opportunity for all our children. This will help foster a conducive environment for innovation and growth.”

Keynote speaker at the dialogue Prof Olubayi Olubayi in his address called on governments around the continent to rethink their educational policies to foster growth and guarantee inclusivity.

He said :  “Each country that wants to succeed must provide education for 80% of its population that is of average ability, but it must also, at the same time, provide education for the other 20% that is exceptionally highly gifted and highly talented. This is the better meaning of inclusion. Education for the 80% and education for the 20% in institutions that maintain symbiotic collaborations.

“The open secret is that for a country to have a genuine functional education it must have a two-sided strategy that is based on the pareto principle of 80/20.

“Our current school systems will continue to educate the 80% who are the majority.

“If we care for Africa’s future, If we care for our grandchildren, If we care for our dignity as human beings, If we care at all, we must ensure functional education within our home regions and countries.

“If we care at all, we must find a way to ensure that each African nation or state establishes at least ONE highly selective world-class university that will be the primary source and catalyst for effective leadership, innovation, technology, growth and development.”

Speaking further he said: we must each return to our villages or towns working or local government areas or counties or districts and start the sacrifice and hard work of mobilizing resources to set up the first highly selective world-class primary or secondary school as a centre of excellence for the free education of the less than 20% of the population of our children that is most gifted and most talented.

Speaking on the importance of the theme of this year’s dialogue, Functional Education and Effective Leadership as a Panacea to Growth and Development, the Executive Director of the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, Ann Iyonu noted that functional education and effective political leadership are interconnected goals that require concerted efforts from governments, civil society, and the private sector.

She said: “Functional education can empower citizens to actively participate in the political process, hold their leaders accountable, and contribute to the socio-economic development of their countries.

“Conversely, effective political leadership can create an enabling environment for education reform, investment in human capital, and the creation of opportunities for all citizens to thrive.”


Cholera: Agege LG Suspends School Food Vendors




The Agege Local Government in Lagos State has suspended food vendors in schools in the area as a way of preventing the outbreak of cholera.

The council has also embarked on rigorous sensitisations to prevent outbreak of the disease in its communities.

Alhaji Ganiyu Egunjobi, Executive Chairman of the council, gave the disclosure in an interview on Friday.

According to the chairman, efforts have been put in place to sensitise market stakeholders and schools on radio to prevent the outbreak within the community.

“We have suspended all school food vendors to ensure safety of the pupils and students.

“We have informed both the pupils and students on radio stations to come with their foods to ensure their safety from the cholera disease.

“This development will allow us to detect and prevent the outbreaks in our community,” he said.

Egunjobi added that schools were visited and inspected to ensure the children are in good health and environmental condition.

According to him, market traders in various communities were also enlightened and sensitised to adopt environmental hygiene in their places to prevent the outbreak.

“We are working tirelessly to prevent the menace of cholera outbreak in our community.

“We are using various means to talk to our people, through landlord associations and others,  to caution them on ensuring hygiene in preparing  foods and drinks.

“We urge residents to acquaint themselves with precautionary measures against the deadly cholera disease outbreak.”

The killer disease has spread to over 30 states with Lagos recording 15 deaths from 350 cases. (NAN)

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Varsity Scraps White Boards for Teaching from September




The Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu says white boards would no longer be used in teaching computer science students as from September.

The Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Christian Anieke, made the disclosure while addressing Computer Science students of the university on Thursday in Enugu.

According to him, only smart boards and projectors will be allowed in all academic activities of the department.

He then urged students and lecturers who would not cope with the new trend to apply for change of course.

“I wonder why a computer science graduate should be looking for a paid employment and this is why the department should train graduates that will be job creators and find solutions to the problems of the society,” the VC said.

He pledged that any student that was able to design innovation for solving problem would receive a prize of N1 million.

Anieke said that the prizes would be for smart students, who could create solutions to problems facing humanity.

The Vice-Chancellor charged the students to design computer programmes that would eliminate thumbprint, and determine the number of human traffic as well as presence in a particular area in the university at a time

Anieke advised them to get ready for more intensive and new form of academic activities.

He urged the students to stay away from all forms of crime and use their brain to create wealth.

Anieke directed that each computer science student would henceforth, be required to attach him or herself to an organisation for practical activities during long vacation, as practiced by law students of the university. (NAN)

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AAUA Student Found Dead after church Vigil




A Student of the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko (AAUA), Modupe Ayandare, was found dead on Monday after attending a church vigil.

The death of Ayandare, who is of the Department of Agronomy, was made known by the Students’ Union Government (SUG) of the institution.

“We express in strong terms our dissatisfaction and agony with respect to the death of one of our students, Miss Modupe Ayandare of the Department of Agronomy.

“According to report, the deceased was said to have committed suicide in the early hours of today at about 4:00am after she returned from a vigil in her church.

“The incident happened beside the church she attended, around Spotless Villa.

“The law enforcement agency has been informed already, and all hands are on deck to get to the root of the situation.

“Be assured that justice will be served and the law enforcement agency will undertake thorough investigation,” Mr Emmanuel Olaogbebikan, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the SUG, stated.

He asked anybody with useful information regarding the incident to give to the concerned authorities to come forward.

Also mourning the death of the student, the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Students (NAAS), AAUA Chapter, said the loss deeply affected the department.

Faith Igba, the PRO of the department, said the demise of Ayandare was a profound loss to the department.

Igba urged the members of the department to come together and be of help to one another, asking those going through challenges to seek help.

“During this difficult time, we urge everyone to come together in support of each other. The mental well-being of our members is of utmost importance, and we encourage anyone who may be struggling to seek help.

“Our faculty offers counselling services, and we are here to support you in any way we can.

“Please join me in extending our deepest condolences to Comrade Modupe’s family, friends and colleagues.

“Let us honour her memory by fostering a compassionate and supportive environment for all,” he said.

Speaking on the death of Ayandare, Victor Akinpelumi, the Public Relations Officer of the institution, said that the institution had confirmed the incident but was yet to know the cause of the death.

Akinpelumi, who sympathised with the family of the deceased, said that the institution would make an official statement known to the public as regards the death later.

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